Monday, October 18, 2010

Before i step into this.

" Sleep early, you gonna work tomorrow!" Thats the statement i got from most of my friends just now.

But instead of listening to them, i ended up playing Monster Hunter Portable 3rd demo game for PSP. Yeah baby, finally i got to play it! My hunting skill seriously degraded.

Hello, mhp3rd.

The thing is, can you sleep well when the next day you ought to step into a totally new journey? (like going travel, somewhere far) Usually i can't sleep well or can't sleep at all. I'm feeling nervous, excited, my brain fill with thoughts... Thinking of all the 'What.. If?'

"No worry, first day is fun" my friend Charuk said. 

Screw my brain. I will expect a fun day tomorrow. I believe you Charuk! & hello to my new chapter, nice to meet you all. 

ps. cant wait for 1st Dec, the release of Monster Hunter Portable 3rd. ( gamer for life i guess )

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