Monday, December 28, 2009
Saturday, December 26, 2009
I just got back from Steve Aoki party at MOS, Sunway. Initially supposed to just celebrate xmas with my mates in my hse, hseparty with pizza and pictionary games but to accompany my dear friends, so i went to MOS and to check out Steve Aoki too. His remixes were okay...the starting part was good but it gets repeatably boring at the end, the beats was all the same. Shinichi Osawa's were more exciting :P & bloody guys in the club were damn freaking weird and desperado. End.
So now is 6:19am, and i was looking at online shopping blog. Which reminds me of the ecommerce ebook i downloaded... I always wanted to start my own business :O Internet is a wonderful place to kickstart, defintely. No rental or etc bills.
So many things to do, so little $$ to invest!
Time to sleep.
Bucket List,
Friday, December 25, 2009
PMR results out! What is PMR? Is some sort of exam that similar to a ticket for you to gets to another stage of your high school education. The time when u decides whether to take science stream or art stream. I had my glory moment of PMR. I didn't study hard for mine but i did study smart, thats why i got straight As but nobody believes me espeacially my parents. Oh well but PMR just a tip of an iceberg nothing to be proud of (for me) i guess.
But i really proud of my two cousins ( both were the candidates for this year). They did great i must say, one got straight As ( study type) and another one got 3As but i know she more into sport and cooking etc. As doesnt matter to me, really. Maybe for the sake of the visual eyes, As look good but i believe the growth of the very person is much more important. What if you get fucking hell lots of As but you are a serial rapist?
I can definitely positive that my cousin she is a very caring and street smart person and she is one of my aunties' favourite niece btw. Apparently i am perceive as attitude problem child among my relatives. Great. All i wanted to say here is CONGRATULATION TO Yee En and Apple. Maybe your parents/parent are hard on you guys but oh wth, just do what you guys love to do k...SPM is more important. :P
You both makes us proud alright! ( i dont think they read my blog anyway)
The thing is while chatting with my mom on gmail yesterday, my mom told me that my cousin cried because of her result and that her mom is not happy with her result i guess. My mom told me she doesn't really care abt As too.
So i told her:" Wah izzit okay if i dont get first class and grad?"
She answered:" I don't care. Is not for me, is for you. You are the one with the debt."
Okay, this sounds familiar:" hmm...i know"
She added up:" At least you try your best first, dont give up so easily. Do your best."
Thats my mom. She don't care about your result or whatever. You want some rewards because you get good result? Dream on. She won't give you anything. Why would she? The result is for ourselves, you do good or bad is up to you. You just have to take your own consequences of the choices you made. She don't care.
Ahh i hate and love her guts.
Anyway! Plan for my semester break:
- Bloody SRI. Better finish it up by 15 Jan 2010. omg 2010 already.
- Google Stimulus. Meet and call more clients. MOONEY.
- Read up the books.
- Buy the IR emitter an receiver. Experimenting.
I just mere human. It's been fucking long since the last time i shop! damn.
& to whom it may concern, merry xmas! Ho ho and Happy new year :)
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Take a deep breath, think back my life reel of 2009.
Oh my fucking shit. 2009 was a seeding year i guess. What is a seeding year? Well when you plant something, you bury the seed in the soil right? Ya i shall call this year a seeding year. I tried and learned a lot of new stuff and knowledge. Hopefully in the new year ahead, i will able to harvest my fruitful growth of experience. Waiting for everything to ripe, need the right time and effort. Hopefully i don't screw things up.
I got my car license, a bf, working with google, intern at IF interactive, met lots of people, experimenting with technology, doing the things i like etc. All the experience i gained, and i guess i'll be a little more mature by the end of 2009. Definitely.
Like the old time:
New year resolution for 2010!
Be awesome
Be great
Be wonderful
in everything. & my FYP 2010! I think i really love doing new media art thingy :)

Not a good day.
Feel so useless.
What if everything i was rooting for is ruined. I shouldn't doubt myself.
Keep make it works!
Pain. Gastric pain. Wth, without warning while i was animating my video. Just pain and vomited and i got a big belly thanks to the acid gas.
I am like a burping monster. BURP
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Jump like Monkey!

Saturday, December 12, 2009
If you can spare a few moments for stargazing this weekend — and the weather cooperates — Sunday night will probably be your lucky night. That's when the year's brightest meteor shower is expected to show off.
The Geminids, so called because they appear to emanate from the Gemini constellation, are the most visible and dependable of about four or five major meteor showers each year, said Rebecca Johnson, editor of StarDate magazine, an astronomy magazine published by the University of Texas' McDonald Observatory.
Meteor showers are created when the Earth passes through the debris of comets, Johnson said.
Astronomers predict that there could be more than 100 meteors per hour well past the peak of the Geminid shower, which in Central Texas will take place about 11 p.m. Sunday and last into early dawn on Monday. Johnson said that moonlight sometimes overpowers the streaking lights produced during meteor showers, but Sunday night, a tiny waxing crescent moon is expected to leave the skies dark enough to provide a good backdrop for the Geminids. Quote from
Went to shooting star hunt midnight at around 1:30am! It is the time of Geminids meteor rain!
Actually i was sitting in front of my pc, thinking how am i going to start my thesis till i saw my sister's status there. Meteor rain! So i took my chances, ask Cheese to tag along to go grab some wishes from the shooting stars!
We found a dark place and kept staring at the sky. Nothing was coming. Nothing. But the stars in the sky were so pretty. It's been awhile since i stared up the night sky for so long. Long enough to cramp my neck. It was so beautiful. :)
So we were talking crap and feeding the mosquito (mostly me cause i wearing shorts!). Then my sister called me, asked did i spotted anything? I said no. So i asked:" Which direction should we stare at?" She told me the east side.
Cheese said:" As i remember in google map, MMU was facing here, so the east must be there!" Which reminded me too from the google map...the right side of the mmu should be facing east. Then i saw the north star or something like tat..pointing somewhere which means THERE should be east!
While talking talking, then suddenly "SHOOOooOo" white streak light just passed through under cheese head! I was like:" I SAW IT I SAW IT!" But not sure if that was the shooting star anot. After awhile, I REALLY DID SPOTTED THE SHOOTING STAR!! Cheese missed out again! but i saw it!
Omg! I was jumping like mad monkey. So excited. When was the last time i saw one? 10 years ago? :D Not just one, i saw 2! Positive 2! And this time Cheese joined me! He made a wish about getting his turntable. HAHAAAA. Then we stared at the sky for another 20mins and decided to call it off. 2:30am over. Our neck were definitely not so keen of us.
Meteor sightseeing makes me fuel me hopes and dreams again. Mind you i got 2 wishes now on my way to star express!
Fear not people, i checked out google and Geminids meteor rain will on for 13 and 14 dec maybe. 1:30am to 2:30am maybe!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
I can feel it now.
I starting to feel stress. After a long time, my forehead is constantly in minor pain and tight. And i keep frowning in front of the screen.
Nothing is coming out from my brain. Shit.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
What is your benefits?
I need more $ to explore in my projects. God damn. This the time when you wish you wish you have more saving or born-rich.
Met my parents and relatives at airport yesterday, one of my uncle was taking off back to New Zealand. Anyway, i wanted to take this opportunity to propose my $ thing to my mom cause i not financially independent, yet. Well what about dad? I dont think he knows what am i actually studying anyway. Mom knows but not really, she cares more i guess.
It was so hard for me to ask for it but i did. She said she can borrow me first. Haha. Later, just taking money from my mom, i felt bad. "Maybe i shld tell her what my project is" Thats what i thought. I told her, my overall research for now.
She was not impressed definitely and she asked:" Whats is the thing you do, do you any good? What is the benefit of this?"
I can't answer it.
Because is my project? Because i could learn more? I can save the world? These are the obvious reasons but i can't answer her question.
Do i need to do something that benefits the whole world? I might, i might not. I know now, when she asked, she was asking about..will all this shit helps you in your future job? ensure your career? money? (She just worry abt me :D )
I really don't know. But one thing for sure, i am growing and learning.
Is it worth it? Hell yeah.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Running away!
This is sooo torturing, my eyes and my brain. SRI! Thesis require tremendous reading to finish and i honestly hvnt really read finish any of the articles...but i only read the part that have the keywords i wanted and extract sentences from there. SRI is crazy. People who write thesis are absolutely awesome and patient people. For now, i am not awesome.
I keep thinking about my FYP!! Can't wait to experiment with Pachube but SRI is stopping me....because the submission date is tomorrow.
I just can't concentrate on that now so i decided to share my POST-IT board!:
You need:
- One empty plastic folder
- One paper
- Post-it notes
- Pen
Post-it can't stick well on wall, and my table is facing the wall. So i use plastic folder as the platform...but empty plastic folder looks so plain so i simply write out and doodle something on it and then put in the folder facing you. Tada! Finish! Now take a post-it notes (more color the merrier), use a pen to jot down anything and stick on it. :D
Okay this is officially pointless. Back to my SRI. No more running.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Plug in.
Look at my twitter page :D I customize the background a little bit. Now is much better. Tv bunny inspire by my fren, Su Mei's art.
It needs to be electrify! woohoo! ( Why am i so hype abt twitter now? Read my FYP blog) Expect more tweets from me soon. Last time i joined Twitter just to follow Johnny Depp but his account got suspended. Maybe is the fake 1 but oh well.
Now i going to use my tweets to follow some artists, community and friends.
See you guys there!
*Thinking of animating the background (but twitter dont support animated gif)
Google Stimulus Program had already started! Going to meet some clients and intern for google. How cool is that? I always loveeee google.
Now my focus going to be my Final Year Project, Special Research Interest (kill me pls), Badminton's test and assignments and Google! & my personal r&d.
Do visit my FYP site to give me some comments about my work. I do need it! Share your thoughts with me.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
i've been cooking for the past 4 days.
Risotto, spaghetti, fried rice and some korean fried rice thingy!
out of ingredients!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Lost soul.
What if everything is just my illusion, delusion.
What if is not true.
Stop doubting. Make it work! MAKE IT WORK!!!!
Monday, November 23, 2009
I think i should think less and do more when i am young. And think more and do less when i gets older. ( Inspire by here)
Just do your FYP! Stop thinking now.....think of the implementation part how are you gonna amaze your audience? How to tell a story by rediscover little pieces of other's footprint in the internet?
how how how.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Maybe i should
I cant sleep at night here. I tried but i guess i was thinking too much, so i picked up a book from my sister room and read one page randomly. An article caught my eyes, something that i tried to be for the past few years.
Anyway is a book by Chester Field but the title i not sure what its call in English since is in chinese(translated).
Don't be stingy with your own empathetic towards others.
Embrace them, be thankful to them.
When people ask you " How are you?" When you answer " I had a bad day or my days suck!" These will only influence others with your negative energy, instead when people ask you "How are you?" You should answer " GREAT!"
okay..i am officially insane and unconscious because of exam and unable to sleep = =
Thursday, November 19, 2009
I am nervous about my driving test tml.
I don't want to retake.
Be steady MAD!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
I am listening to Spirited Away Soundtrack now ( only 3 tracks, my favourite are Procession of the Gods and Day of the River) I think the tracks are amazing, even the movie is stunning, visually and the storyline settings. I love it! All these mythical creatures and world just blown my mind away and into this fantasy world. The scene where after the pouring rain, the whole rail track got flood by water and form an ocean between lands. My fucking god, i can hold my breathe there. Is just so amazing :)
I wan the full soundtrack!! Who got?
Dear Hayao Miyazaki,
Can you make a game like that for me to experience the world? I think it would be amazing to explore every corner of the game by you! The little surprise, nostalgia feelings.....but out of this world!
Wouldn't it be niiiceee??? In ps3? with picturesque sceneries ( with the help of ps3 graphic's) OMG thinking of it make me hyperactive!!!! HUNT RPG GAMES NOW!
Or IF i can, i will find a team and develop a game similar to that :) not just fighting monster....something more than that! Wait for it!
Monday, November 16, 2009
Happy Graduation, dear aunt!
All the best in your future aunt!
More photos in faceboook album! ( my aunty do not allow me to post her photo that makes her face looks fat :) )

Suddenly last night, i had this weird feeling that i considered as revelation or my much horror, realisation about the fact that i am screwed.
It hits me! That this short semester ( 8 weeks ) i am quite "full of myself" which means here stucked with all bunch of things. My final year project, my SRI (thesis), badminton (holyshit the fitness test!), google student collaboration, car driving (this friday is the day man), friend's website and my body health issues.
Buckle up lads, time to go for a rollercoster ride! (lamest line for now) but wait! all heroes have to go through some hell like torment or temptation before they reach their salvation rite? Well my my, i hooked up with my phat little psp again :D Good! It's been awhile and i hardly recognize my poor psp, so much changes and so many new games coming out! Gonna try Little Big Planet and Disgaea 2. Waiting for my old fren to teach me how to "ahem" it. The sad part is i unable to track down Final Fantasy 9 disc4 for my psp! Sigh.

Ahh~ the old days
"Every me and every you, cause there nothing else to do." Singing along to this song Everymeeveryyou by placebo! A great song dont you think and suit the great movie! but the sequels of the movie sux big time.
I am so hungryyyyyy, i ate high fibre cookies and an apple for the whole day. I feel nothing. Me want more. Okay shall end this post now, i just hope everything goes my way even if is stranded away from the road sometimes but please do come back to my way.
Yesh praying to myself. You can go pray for your own god, imma let you finish but britney spears have the best come back ever! Ever! (suddenly just pop out)
Kick some asses!
Pssst: I cant even recall the feel of being in cinema anymore. Sigh but i get to watch few movies in my own house. Movie rent from my provider Charuk :D
Friday, November 13, 2009
Get well soon.
When you thought everything is going to be alright, then out of the blue you are not again.
Is suck big time.
PLSSSSS GET WELL SOON, pretty soon kay? Be strong for me.
Yes msg to my body. I can cause i can.
p.s I am out of apple, i think apple helps but i out of apples.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Ahh the time
I got addicted to video recording and editing ;) arhhh~ i still love film! Well my initial plan was to go in Film & Animation course anyway but Digital Media Art is amazing too :) Technology fascinates me.
I recorded with my hp~ ( no dvcam) of the making of Chocolate Moose by me and sis but i was just playing around. Compiled the video and discovered i dont have any good footages of the final product, chocolate moose. Well, to compensate that, i edit the video with woohoooo effect.
Wonder what is woohoo effect? Try to be happy and shout:" Woohoo~" or listen to I am the Walrus by the Beatles. Okay i just trying to be colorfulish.
And damn the facebook for not allowing me to post this video! So i shall share it here :O
& disclaimer : the audio of the video is by Happy Up Here - Royksopp. I do not own the music. Just using it for personal purpose cause i think the song goes well with the feel of the video.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Red alert. FML for now
I just wish it will goes away now. I shall pray and hope for the best.
More concern with my own health now :(
I just wanna be healthy and do what i like to do.
Appreciate yourself!
* Yes something wrong with my body but gonna be okay! Positive!
& i wanna go to bora bora!! :(
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
in my mission to shit.
I tried yogurt, yogurt drinks, tuna, veggie. Nothing works.
but the best solution is Nescafe Coffee. Immediately made me shiate!
* busy with my FYP blog for these 2 weeks. Oh well.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Wrong pick.
3pm, went to my aunty's convocation at Unisel,Kuala Selangor. I was the cameraman, as usual cause i got the dslr. Ha! After that went to makan at a i-heard-is-quite-famous beggar chicken restaurant at Ijok. After that uncle treated us for a karaoke session with all the relatives.
Reached home around 2am plus and about to get ready to sleep. Suddenly, sister went to cook macaroni & cheese. Is okay at first but she let me tried some of it. Thats the part where everything went wrong. My stomach started to get more hungry and hungry. No choice had to eat something. Picked 2 chocolate bars. One taste like shit another one contains caffeine. Took another one with the caffeine to wash away the awful taste of another chocolate( the filling taste like medicine).
So i ate two coffee like chocolate.
Eyes wide awake.
* Driving lesson at 11am later! NOOOO
Saturday, October 31, 2009
When is the last time i feel this stress because of my result?
Thanks to our ever-changing-lets have this-lets not-lets have this again-government and their new budget! Yay! For the students that apply PTPTN ( student loan), now if you able to graduate with first class honor, all your loan will *poooof* turn into scholarship instead! Yes you don't need to pay back to the government after you graduate.
Screw this. I know i can't blame them, i should have study a little bit harder since i am stranded around the border of first class. I never really have the chance to be amazing or excellent i am always the good, the you can be better category. Of coz i felt bad and i planned to strive better.
just now my mom got the news and she gave me a very " supportive" talk to "motivate" me. Damn. I felt shitty! Thanks mom.
I can't do this shit. & i cant shit now! damn constipation again
Thursday, October 29, 2009
The Pretty Reckless
Who is your favourite character in Gossip Girl? Well, since season2 the show don't particularly interest me no more..espeacially the storyline, it is so not well-written but i still watch it for Jenny ( Taylor Momsen) and Serena's mom Lily. Well i like to see their outfits. Most of the people dont like Jenny in GG, but she definitely have a pair of amazing looonngg legs!

Yesterday Yvonne told me that Taylor Momsen got her own band. So i check it out in google and found bunch of live videos of her performing and is pretty good! It is totally different genre with Leighton Meester( Good Girl Gone Bad), Taylor's are more to grunge rock.
Btw the band name is The Pretty Reckless:
But i think i prefer the life.. she got a husky voice :
Sounds promising...make me into rock song again. Looking forward for her new debut album.
The war has begun! Damn. All my creative juices just vaporized away when i need it!
Btw, i got a new blogsite for the documentation of my FYP ( final year project) research, findings and etc. Feel free to check it out here. I am kinda stuck with my own ideas...i literally crapped out the ideas last night for the sake of crapping out some ideas. I don't like it.
I think i gonna study more references and read more case studies before i make up my mind which to pursue. For now i just want to take a dog nap - - just got to sleep like 2 hrs last night. So many things to learn, so little stamina left for me.
& i having mouth ulcer which is bloody pain sometimes. Okay not that pain but the pain is like constant..and heaty. Besides that i keep shitting these two days and is bad for my ass!
Health is wealth..... Better stay healthy for this sem.

image via here
If only i can see the world in colour motion. Normally i dont like turtle neck but i like this with lovely pattern and lace. :)
Night world.
Anyone have any awesome ideas/concepts that would like to share~ feel free to drop by my FYP blog :
Monday, October 26, 2009
Hello to Arduino!
Yesterday got back home from Cameron Highland! It was fun and cozy..the game night was the best with the self-made steamboat! :) Anyway i met my cousin, mom and aunty at the Sungai Buluh Jejantas resting place there and they passed me my Arduino parcel! The one that i ordered from the Sgbotics site. I was so excited! :
Air mail from Singapore!
I always loveeeeeeeeee parcel..
Small parcel!
Invoice and the packaging.
Arduino Duemilanove :)
how to pronounce it?
Tested the basic and simple tutorial with Cheese :)
Kinda stucked at the part where we have to use the photocell to replace the button as the input but failed. Gonna experiment with it again later :)
Anyway when the LED blinked we were so excited:
btw the Lord was very happy with our progress on his new Death Star. May the force be with you!
Now i need toolkit box...and all those tools...screwdriver,solder, multimeter etc etc. Shall pay a visit to KL , the street that sell electronics stuff near Timesquare.
Update on driving : Exam in these few weeks time. I am ready .. soon. Hopefully :P
Later gonna read up the ebooks that cheese gave me and learn some ActionScript 3.0
*gonna post some funny videos abt the Cameron Trip in facebook :D
Monday, October 19, 2009
On schedule? Maybe. :)
Follow-up of the previous post
As for my Arduino, i am thankful that my mom agreed to sponsor me and getting me this all the way from Singapore! My first time purchasing stuff from overseas...Cant wait for the day the Mr. Postman arrive at my doorstep.
About my job thingy, i haven't start reading about the company policy so i can't take the test yet, without passing any of the test, i can't really receive any jobs yet but i do receive the job scopes in my gmail. Looks challenging and hard, can i manage it?
i want to say:
Not giving up yet, remember my dreams and fucking get it all. ( I really should work on my dream board)
I need my family support, full support as i am not capable yet. Grateful for it.
Sometimes a little push and bunch a support are all you need to keep moving on in this life.

Bucket List
Friday, October 16, 2009
Because i got a forgetful brain:
1. Call the driving academy..
2. Ask sponsorship for my experiment adventure in Arduino.
3. Look for jobs
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
I should start experimenting!
Got my cheque just now... Rm250. What can this amount of money do? Planning to buy Arduino Starter Pack and the book but what about lovely clothes, shoes and etc?
or anyone kind enough to sponsor me these stuffs?:

Monday, October 12, 2009
Lend me your voices!
Had fun doing this...but only me! Come on join me let's make our own cover :0
Btw is a very creative viral site for volunteer community... :)
sing sing sing.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Machinarium Demo!
I've been eye-ing Machinarium ( a indie game) for a long time. Finally now they have the demo version released! Downloading now and gonna test it later. :)
Why i attracted to it? Because of the art direction of the game! Is eerie but fantasy, i like those stuff and i guess is some sort a puzzle game maybe. Check out the screen shots :

(images from
Anyway, check out the official sites for more details. As for the demo, you can get it from here, ( this is a better download site than the fileplanet or )
Can't wait to play this game! But now i think i gonna slp, is almost 8am in the morning and yes i still awake! Just got back from a party after party and some ahem session with frens. Tired tired. Drank few shots of vodka and tequila and yeaa i gonna sleep now!
Try the game and tell me if you think is awesome. Btw is the award winning independent puzzle or adventure game. If you played Samorost ( from AmanitaDesign) before, you will know what game i talking abt.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Shortcut to travel in space.
Looking for worm-hole.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Go back to office, pass up my report and the ahem reel. Study for my test. Oh and my Muet test. Damn.
Time to pack and move back to Cyber. Peace of mind.
I sick of the me, which still, stuck here.
Maybe i shld get a spec, looks distinctive on my big face:
Monday, September 21, 2009
DLG is back!
My personal project.
What should i do next?
Oh ya check this out, is kinda cool to make your own animation in 24hrs.
24hourtoons Any filmmaker who are interested can upload their work to the 24hourtoons youtube site. Each months have a different theme! Have fun.
But i not sure if my next DLG project gonna be this...i dont even know the proper ways to animate.
I know.
DLG mission priority:
My mom said: “现在想起, 你小时候好像有少少自闭症。 不爱说话,不参人玩。还好有你的姐姐带你一起玩。”
OH. Now it make sense, i got mild autism whn i was a little kid? haha.
Looked up on the article about the characteristics of autism, there some similarity but i think i am fine now. Even though when i was little, i not really cares about other, i stare at things more thn 5secs, i speak to myself sometimes, i don't really show my stuff to people, i point or poke at someone without speaking it out.. i hit my own head, i like to spin around but i think most children did that too rite?
I did got comments from my friends that i am a boring person, i dont speak much or share my things to them, during secondary school. I tried to be more talkative, more normal? But is so hard for me sometimes. I did tried to fit in but i gave up later on, whats the point? OKAY something wrong with me.
I tried to share, i tried open up but what do i gain in the end?
Time to sleep.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
活熊取胆的方法是将一个金属管永久地插入熊的胆囊,另一端露在熊的腹部外面,因为伤口裸露在外,永不痊愈,所以经常感染。(很多熊因此得到很多疾病,甚至癌症!吃了从他们感染的 伤口那流出来的胆汁,不知道会不会有问题!)
为了增加胆汁的流出量,熊场会用特制的针管抽扎进胆囊取胆汁,每到这个时候,被抽取胆汁的熊都会疼得惨嚎!,把自己的腹部抓得血肉模糊。有些熊因为无法忍受抽胆的痛苦,精神错乱 ,还有熊还会作出自杀行为,把自己的肝肠内脏都拉扯出来!
亚洲动物基金会曾经解救过一批黑熊,那批黑熊由于长期囚禁在养熊场内插管取胆,它们身心俱损,伤口溃烂,腹腔感染,不断有黄褐色的脓水从溃烂的皮肤渗出,很久也不敢从笼子里走出来接触大地。打开他们的腹腔,有的引流管子已烂在肚里,有的和脏器紧紧粘连在一起。放入山林后,它们除了拼命摇头外,不会向前挪动一步,因为关在铁笼里面太久,也许已经忘记怎么走路了 。只是痴呆的目光朝天望着,好象仍然感到还在铁笼里。
这里是一个酷刑室,一个动物的地狱。正如你所看到的,事实上他们根本无法活动,无法站立,无法转身,他们只能将爪子伸出笼子取食。这样关着目的是防止忍受不了折磨的月熊做出自残 暴毙行为!
其实熊胆并不是什么神丹妙药,它的药用价值也是被所谓的"专家"夸大了!致使误导广大消费者去大量使用熊胆制品!熊胆汁对于人体只能起到很普通的清热解毒的功效,这是很多中草药都 可以代替得到的!
朝鲜在80年代发明了活取熊胆,近20多年来, 我国把这个“高技术”行业发扬光大了。
活熊取胆的方法是将一个金属管永久地插入熊的胆囊,另一端露在熊的腹部外面,因为伤口裸露在外,永不痊愈,所以经常感染。(很多熊因此得到很多疾病,甚至癌症!吃了从他们感染的 伤口那流出来的胆汁,不知道会不会有问题!)
为了增加胆汁的流出量,熊场会用特制的针管抽扎进胆囊取胆汁,每到这个时候,被抽取胆汁的熊都会疼得惨嚎!,把自己的腹部抓得血肉模糊。有些熊因为无法忍受抽胆的痛苦,精神错乱 ,还有熊还会作出自杀行为,把自己的肝肠内脏都拉扯出来!
亚洲动物基金会曾经解救过一批黑熊,那批黑熊由于长期囚禁在养熊场内插管取胆,它们身心俱损,伤口溃烂,腹腔感染,不断有黄褐色的脓水从溃烂的皮肤渗出,很久也不敢从笼子里走出来接触大地。打开他们的腹腔,有的引流管子已烂在肚里,有的和脏器紧紧粘连在一起。放入山林后,它们除了拼命摇头外,不会向前挪动一步,因为关在铁笼里面太久,也许已经忘记怎么走路了 。只是痴呆的目光朝天望着,好象仍然感到还在铁笼里。
这里是一个酷刑室,一个动物的地狱。正如你所看到的,事实上他们根本无法活动,无法站立,无法转身,他们只能将爪子伸出笼子取食。这样关着目的是防止忍受不了折磨的月熊做出自残 暴毙行为!
其实熊胆并不是什么神丹妙药,它的药用价值也是被所谓的"专家"夸大了!致使误导广大消费者去大量使用熊胆制品!熊胆汁对于人体只能起到很普通的清热解毒的功效,这是很多中草药都 可以代替得到的!
(quote from here )
I am damn angry at those human and sad for the bears! Why we human have to make so much suffer to other creatures??? WTH. They keep the bear alive in a small cage, then collect the bear bile by poking metal tube direct inside the bear's gall with open wound! See the first picture???? The wounds is already infected because everyday they collect the bear's gall twice, sometimes even up till 4 times. Everytime the fucking human did that to the bear, the bear will scream in excruciating PAIN, agonizing there! Bear will SCRATCH THEIR OWN STOMACH, SCRATCH OUT ALL THEIR INTESTINES, THE BEAR WILL EVEN TRY TO SUICIDE BECAUSE THEY CANT STAND THE PAIN AND TORTURE. & what the idiot human do?? CAGE THEM IN A SMALL CAGE so that they cant move or scratch themselves or suicide. They cant die, and they arent living either in that hell like place!!!!
Fucking shit merciless human. Imagine if one day some ass hole say:" Hey, human's gall is nice for our health and make us stronger~ lets harvest human 1!" IMAGINE YOU ARE THE ONE WHO ARE IN THE CONFINE CAGE, GOT SUCK OUT YOUR OWN GALL BY METAL TUBE EVERYDAY. MAHAI those people who still consuming the products. Please stop, is damn cruelty and un-humanly. The animals are innocent and stop eating whatever shark fins or monkey brains or harvest those fur alive..(fucking chinese)YES WHILE THEY ARE STILL ALIVE WE JUST HARVEST THEIR BODY PART?? how can we be so cruel....we are sick. human is sick.
The world is innocent.
Some bear galls are legally, yes LEGALLY harvest. Mostly are black bears. READ HERE.
Why people need bear gall or bear bile? HEALTH TONIC, MY ASS.
"In 1993 Chinese bear bile farming was exposed by a British woman named Jill Robinson.Since then, animal advocates all over the world have objected to the brutalities and cruelties of this practice while others have explained why the modern pharmaceutical industry has made bear
farming unnecessary. And while there is no bear farming in the United States, there is demand for bear bile and bear gall bladders." ( READ HERE )
Please help stop this brutality by signing the online petition here.

Stop animal cruelty.
Please spread the words around, tell your friends, relatives about this extreme animal cruelty and if they do consume or buy bear bile products, promote them herbal or synthetic alternative to bear bile.
More info here:
Sorry for my bad words. I just cant imagine people would do that.. MAD.
More cruel news: China people, they even eat dogs and cats there. Friends or food?
Friday, September 18, 2009
Look back at my olllllllllldddddddddd blog i posted in msn space. Damn fucking hilarious. I can't believe it. Haha.
Nevermind. Let's laugh and keep laughing. 往事不能XX。
Oh i found out that i was once a MC for a calligraphy event in my uni. First time i bet it was bad, real bad Michael Jackson :D
What else, well now i am back in Cyberjaya and yes the peaceful environment here, lovely.
& Great news to all my fren! I got my L license! woohooo! Yes after i get my P i will take you all for a test drive. Please be prepare. * Miss Ying Ying i know you've been waiting for this for a looong time. :)
My fantasy.

Photo from
Available for $70.00 . Exp for me - -
Should i learn how to knit so that i can own one teddy bear hat? Hmmmm. Or any kind knitter out there~ willing to knit one and sell it for around RM40+- ? haha
----------------- Case Closed--------------------------
Oh ya might help my mom to start up some online business.... Not sure if she into it or? But i think is a pretty good sale products. Everybody loveeees it. munch. We shall see. Since i gonna finish my internship which is today! I should have ample of time to think of the business plan, my FYP, my car license ( this is a must!) and the presentation & ohh my MUET test.
Must learn to speak and write better english! RAWR
祝大家中秋节快乐 & Selamat Hari Raya!
Bucket List,
Monday, September 14, 2009
I wanna I wanna!
Dearrrr lord or buddha or jesus #$)!&)!,
I wan the new Topshop sweater or jacker! Holy zombie bazooka! When i first lay my eyes on you~ you took my sight with you. Now i can't stop thinking about you :)
Yesh. I am a little bit out of my mind but i always longing for a 180 degree or 360 degree revamp of my current wardrobe ( if i have any). I believe in Vivienne Westwood. Her quote:"Fashion is very important. It is life-enhancing and, like
everything that gives pleasure, it is worth doing well. "
Life enhancing. You go girl! but is real. You need $
I need $ ! Maybe i shld start some business now. I always wanted to make my own business. A good one, sustainable profits~ etc. Duh thats what we all want ey. My mom got this idea and i think it was a great idea but she hesitating. I read in a book SOUE the 11th book, there this submarine captain, i cant recall his name but his favourite quote is:" He or she who hesitates..."
Hmm i forgot abt the quote but something negative will happen if he or she who hesitates. Haha. Pardon my lame memory, 512mb. I shall upgrade to 4 gb soon.
I want tattoo!

For the moment.
(Image via
Now you know why/how/who control the world's economy. Recession? Give birth to more women/girl, tell me everything is wonderful now. :P
P.s Countdown to the ending!
Physics i learned from BIG BANG!
I re-watched some of the episodes of Big Bang Theory and one particular part caught my eyes!
You just need the combination of Water + Cornstarch + Subwoofer! = Funny Liquid Movement
From the Big Bang:
From random users in youtube:
Cool huh? Let's see who willing to borrow their woofers for me to experiment with this ?? Pretty pls~
p.s Kanye.... stupid. Even though i not a fan of Taylor but you douche KANYE! Let's play water + cornstarch + woofer!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Hard day night.
Just got back from karaoke session with my aunty, sista and my cousin how yee. My throat kinda out of tone now because i yelled and sang with high notes which are out of my league. - - too bad for the audiences.
It was a fun mini karaoke session at a small karaoke shops near my place. Small room, weird interface but friendly service.

Just like this photo, the room is small but the people is fun.
Replace those girls with me, my 30+ going 40 aunty, my crazy sista and equally crazy cousin.
ta da the ingredients are fun midnight.
(photo via
My aunty, i call her Bing Yi aka ice aunty. :D I must praise her because she is my awesome lovely aunty that fetched me (to sch) since i was in primary school. She is also a teacher and yes she taught me a lot about studies and how to be a person. She treats everyone ( couzzies and me) the same, in a good way. Amiable and magnanimous aunty i have here! Aint i lucky? Indeed. I got bunch of lovely, supportive, fun relatives...espeacially the women :D yes my aunties!
I hang out with my aunty. yeah.
p.s aunty treats! :D
p.s.s if only dad learn the ways to treat younger generation like normal people. Rank prejudice? my ass.
p.s.s.t drank carlsberg just now... i still feel quite energectic! maybe not. sleep. :)
Monday, September 7, 2009
As we grow older, we feel more pain than when we were young. The pain of breaking up, the pain of loosing the person you loved, the pain of your boss yelling at you, the pain of not getting a perfect job, the pain of your friend stab behind you and the pain in the ass when all things not going your way.
It used to be just physical pain.
I suffering from pain now...because i went to exercise yesterday ( after few months of unhealthy life). Today my back, legs, hands and my neck......PAIN!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
That day i stay awake.

lens flare in psd! new discovery! WOW ( i shld have known this for like 5 years ago?)
anyway i was trying to destress myself.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Monster Hunter!
I miss my hunter era. The good'ol days~ go to jungle.. hunt for monsters 10x my size, kick my cat, throw my mates high up in the sky...
Now my poor lonely little psp (battery-less) cuddle alone in the dark.
Hmm. Time to charge it!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
I think i kena fuck.
These two days, i've been having migraine! Darn. I will loose my eyesight temporary...everything will be blank and bling... - - weird.
Anyway why i think that i will kena fuck soon? Cause my showreel for my intern company, yes the showreel again, yesss i not yet finish it. What took me so long? I dont know. Brain fart? I wan to do it..but i don't know the ways to execute it. I did alots of AE tutorials... but but but but i still dont know how to execute my own showreel. I got the ideas, i dont have the skills. :(
Finally i feel the stress of being a little intern.
Need GUIDANCE!!#*_!@$*@!_$*_!@
Monday, August 31, 2009
Art & Copy Trailer
A documentary film about advertising and inspiration. I think all creative people should watch this, espeacially those involve in advertising industry, looks interesting!
What you see is not what you see but is design for you to see. :)
Easy now, Hush, love, hush, Don't distress yourself, What's your rush? Keep your thoughts Nice and lush, Wait. Hush, love, hush, Think it through. Once it bubbles, then What's to do? Watch it close. Let it brew. Wait. I've been thinkin' flowers, Maybe daisies, To brighten up the room! Don't you think some flowers, Pretty daisies, Might relieve the gloom? Ah, wait, Love, wait.
I can't wait for my intern to end. I just want to focus on my fyp... ( hopes so :D)
Is my last chance to show'em what i got. I wan to get out from here.
My soul are draining here.
Good things come to those who can wait. Wait.
Dearly Beloved.

I dreamed of my dearly grandpa again yesterday. It was weird and funny and sad in a way. ( just notice that this month is the hungry ghost month)
I shall just skipped that weird part cause it was quite weird and scary and i dont want to remember that haha but funny in a way. You talked to me this time, haha you asked me to get rid of all those useless tables and stuff in my house because is not pretty. I agreed but i just cant help but to stare at you.
" Gong Gong, you are fine! You're back... ( i started to cry)"
Then you came towards me and hugged me.
I went out because i had to grab some stuff from my fren's hse (opposite) i ran as fast as i can to take my stuff so that i can get back by your side again but instead i woke up from my dream.
Is just a dream, is not real. You're not here anymore. I cried.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Cut my hair..
But no dramatic changes.
Shld i cut it shorter or curl it.
I need changes. Again.
Moveeee ON
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Can't wait
Can't wait for FYP!
maybe i will regret saying this but ... :D
Friday, August 21, 2009
Oh my. Finally we all get to look at Avatar! (not the air bender) Honestly, i think i like it! I was sceptical about the hype but it looks quite good. I even had goosebumps, duh i a fan of fantasy stuff...sci-fi! Come to muuuaaaaaaaa~~~~
I wonder how the movie looks like in 3D. Hmm. Hopefully is a whole new movie experience for all of us! AND IS NOT LIKE BEOWULF :) heheeeeeee absolutely.
Check out the teaser trailer here at FirstShowing - Avatar Teaser Trailer.
* cant slp. :D
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
My grandpa was a communist thats why he love that song. Anyway! i found the music and video in youtube! Check out the song, very nice indeed. Doest matter if is communist anot. The name of the song is Dong Fang Hong, the East is Red. Just found out from my mom that, grandpa was so crazy abt mr. mao he even named my aunty's name Pan Fong Hong. SEE IT?? FONG HONG, FANG HONG, basically in chinese is the same sound. :O cool.
Here is the vid, not bad quite grand:
Somehow i prefer the oldern China.
Dearly Beloved.
I had a dream about my Gong Gong. Yes my grandpa. It was last Friday or Thursday, i had a dream about my dear gonggong.
I can't remember the beginning or the ending part, i just remember the middle part where you came into my dream and met me:
I was at a parking lot, waiting for someone, somebody i know to come and fetch me back home. I did not know who will come but i knew was someone special. After waited for awhile, i got impatient, wanted to call somebody but out of nowhere a dark metalic blue, modified kelisa-kinda-look-alike car drove near me. I catched a glimpse, holyshit! Gong Gong was the one who driving that car! I got into the car, the first thing i said to him:" Gong Gong! How come you can drive? 公公, 你可以驾车的? " "How come you know i am here?" He just smiled and look at me. Then he drove me to some place, i cant remember... i got down from the car and met someone. He just left after that. Just gone, again.
I woke up feeling weird. Went to office, it was a slow day and was excitingly chatting about movies with my fren Charuk. Somehow i told him abt my dream. Charuk replied me back that :" Your grandpa miss you." I cried. I just cant take it, my tears just rolled out in the office. Everything, every memories of gong gong just came suddenly, rushing to my brain... How he used to hold my little hand and guided me cross the road, how he scolded me, how he called my name, how he used to tell me historical stories, and how he took his last breathe in front of my eyes.... every sentence is past tense now. I hate it.
东方红,太阳升,中国出了个毛泽东。 他为人民谋幸福,呼儿咳呀, 他是人民的大救星.
I even asked you to teach me to sing this song.
I shld have hold on to you when you are still here. Forgive me gong gong.
I miss you so much. Desa house, 婆婆家 is not the same without your presence.
Grow up.
Growing up is tough, sometimes. Only sometimes.
We get this mix feelings of hatred, jealousy, loneliness, envious, lustrous etc. The feelings are stronger compare to what we felt when we were young.

Suck it.
Why can't we all be angelic, caring, loving? I meant me.
Sorry, i am just dark & twisty. I wish i can brings light upon darkness. I just wish i can make you laugh., make you happy.
Gonna be a tough, but i will try.
Cause i know, i know i was once an amiable little kiddo too. Just like you.
Maybe not. Damn wheres my smiley face!
yess >> that lil gal, my sis. Pout lips is not a new thing.
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