Follow-up of the previous post
As for my Arduino, i am thankful that my mom agreed to sponsor me and getting me this all the way from Singapore! My first time purchasing stuff from overseas...Cant wait for the day the Mr. Postman arrive at my doorstep.
About my job thingy, i haven't start reading about the company policy so i can't take the test yet, without passing any of the test, i can't really receive any jobs yet but i do receive the job scopes in my gmail. Looks challenging and hard, can i manage it?
i want to say:
Not giving up yet, remember my dreams and fucking get it all. ( I really should work on my dream board)
I need my family support, full support as i am not capable yet. Grateful for it.
Sometimes a little push and bunch a support are all you need to keep moving on in this life.

about RM230.. mmm seemed affordable =P congrats for getting the job ^^ almost la.. hehe.. what kind of job izzit anyway? XD
havent get the job yet :D haha
freelance job thou
RM230 ...exp for me haha
i see i see.. wish you best of luck oh =D
you draw that meow looking thingie?
dah smpai bgtau! boleh tengok.
dah sampai!
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