Sunday, September 20, 2009




活熊取胆的方法是将一个金属管永久地插入熊的胆囊,另一端露在熊的腹部外面,因为伤口裸露在外,永不痊愈,所以经常感染。(很多熊因此得到很多疾病,甚至癌症!吃了从他们感染的 伤口那流出来的胆汁,不知道会不会有问题!)

为了增加胆汁的流出量,熊场会用特制的针管抽扎进胆囊取胆汁,每到这个时候,被抽取胆汁的熊都会疼得惨嚎!,把自己的腹部抓得血肉模糊。有些熊因为无法忍受抽胆的痛苦,精神错乱 ,还有熊还会作出自杀行为,把自己的肝肠内脏都拉扯出来!


亚洲动物基金会曾经解救过一批黑熊,那批黑熊由于长期囚禁在养熊场内插管取胆,它们身心俱损,伤口溃烂,腹腔感染,不断有黄褐色的脓水从溃烂的皮肤渗出,很久也不敢从笼子里走出来接触大地。打开他们的腹腔,有的引流管子已烂在肚里,有的和脏器紧紧粘连在一起。放入山林后,它们除了拼命摇头外,不会向前挪动一步,因为关在铁笼里面太久,也许已经忘记怎么走路了 。只是痴呆的目光朝天望着,好象仍然感到还在铁笼里。
这里是一个酷刑室,一个动物的地狱。正如你所看到的,事实上他们根本无法活动,无法站立,无法转身,他们只能将爪子伸出笼子取食。这样关着目的是防止忍受不了折磨的月熊做出自残 暴毙行为!


其实熊胆并不是什么神丹妙药,它的药用价值也是被所谓的"专家"夸大了!致使误导广大消费者去大量使用熊胆制品!熊胆汁对于人体只能起到很普通的清热解毒的功效,这是很多中草药都 可以代替得到的!





朝鲜在80年代发明了活取熊胆,近20多年来, 我国把这个“高技术”行业发扬光大了。
(quote from here )

I am damn angry at those human and sad for the bears! Why we human have to make so much suffer to other creatures??? WTH. They keep the bear alive in a small cage, then collect the bear bile by poking metal tube direct inside the bear's gall with open wound! See the first picture???? The wounds is already infected because everyday they collect the bear's gall twice, sometimes even up till 4 times. Everytime the fucking human did that to the bear, the bear will scream in excruciating PAIN, agonizing there! Bear will SCRATCH THEIR OWN STOMACH, SCRATCH OUT ALL THEIR INTESTINES, THE BEAR WILL EVEN TRY TO SUICIDE BECAUSE THEY CANT STAND THE PAIN AND TORTURE. & what the idiot human do?? CAGE THEM IN A SMALL CAGE so that they cant move or scratch themselves or suicide. They cant die, and they arent living either in that hell like place!!!!

Fucking shit merciless human. Imagine if one day some ass hole say:" Hey, human's gall is nice for our health and make us stronger~ lets harvest human 1!" IMAGINE YOU ARE THE ONE WHO ARE IN THE CONFINE CAGE, GOT SUCK OUT YOUR OWN GALL BY METAL TUBE EVERYDAY. MAHAI those people who still consuming the products. Please stop, is damn cruelty and un-humanly. The animals are innocent and stop eating whatever shark fins or monkey brains or harvest those fur alive..(fucking chinese)YES WHILE THEY ARE STILL ALIVE WE JUST HARVEST THEIR BODY PART?? how can we be so cruel....we are sick. human is sick.
The world is innocent.

Some bear galls are legally, yes LEGALLY harvest. Mostly are black bears. READ HERE.

Why people need bear gall or bear bile? HEALTH TONIC, MY ASS.

"In 1993 Chinese bear bile farming was exposed by a British woman named Jill Robinson.Since then, animal advocates all over the world have objected to the brutalities and cruelties of this practice while others have explained why the modern pharmaceutical industry has made bear
farming unnecessary. And while there is no bear farming in the United States, there is demand for bear bile and bear gall bladders." ( READ HERE )


Please help stop this brutality by signing the online petition here.

Stop animal cruelty.

Please spread the words around, tell your friends, relatives about this extreme animal cruelty and if they do consume or buy bear bile products, promote them herbal or synthetic alternative to bear bile.

More info here:

Sorry for my bad words. I just cant imagine people would do that.. MAD.

More cruel news: China people, they even eat dogs and cats there. Friends or food?


Normaron said...

sigh... bunch of hopeless human

Madmazelle said...

yea man.. remember go sign the petition! yesterday just saw on animal planet..they are rescuing some bears in china now.. :(