This sem i am learning about typography. I not really a big fan of Typo but is quite interesting to learn about the theory and practical about Typo. Is human eyes or brain tat stupid or what? Cause most of the adv, newspaper, mags and etc use typo to guide us, human eyes to read. HAHA Yea bitch ur eyes are dumb!
Anyway 1st assign is take photo of some objects that resemble an alphabet. Of cause i can't get it all so i use my last resort XD haha pose the object or crop it to look like a alphabet! ( la la la ) Well on submission day all pupils' work got rejected. Yea i mean all of us. haha Chemat ( those who don't know who is Chemat, he is our very strict photography lec) number 2 T_T I got rejected cause we are not suppose to use color background and lowercase letter ( small letter) . = ="
Printing cost around RM20. Sigh. Need more MONEY to experiment with art. keke ! ART rules. Here is my 1st assignment(rejected) ( dont want to keep it in the dark so post on BLOG!) :

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