Happy 21st Birthday to my lovely cousin - Xue Min aka Shamond.
Can't believe you grow 'old' so much !! keke. Anyway u are a amazing girl, a leader and humorous. (doink of coz she study PR! watch out!) I gonna say sorry to her cause i did not get her any present YET! It will be a lil bit late~ Gomen. So to redeem (so call) my sin i be the photographer in the celebration dinner of her 21st bday. ER okei i am not a good photographer, i take lots of blurred and expose photo. Anyway we had our fabulous western dinner at . .. . (I FORGOT THE RESTAURANT NAME) omg i don't even bother the restaurant name. Shamond you too stunning till i din't even notice the name of the restaurant =) keke spare me.
The restaurant is cool, decorated with xmas feel! is very nice... The xmas tree is pretty and yea we pose with it:

While waiting for our delectable food~ we played poker (chor dai D). Damn i got bad hand! i kept got the wacky cards...which doesn't include any Dai D!! While waiting for food :

FOOD ARRIVED!! The cuisine there is actually not bad after all. Well if i ever remember the restaurant name i will write here. Er the restaurant is just opposite Kepong Jusco and beside of Standard Chartered Bank, i think . Yea !

After eating sumptuous dinner, is time to blow the cake!! Yeee-ha ( My dad excuse earlier cause he got appointment, too bad):

Last ~ HAPPY BIRTHDAY AH MUN! XD hehe okei Xue Min! Wish u got a lovely 21st bday. You got lots of necklace ya? Rumor say that when you turn 21 you have to get "Golden Key" as a symbol of freedom but my grandma say
" NO PPL SO KOLOT 1 la!!"
"......." i speechless. damn i am kolot!
OKei last last! Happy bday! wish you happy always and get what you want in your life. Muax.

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