Merry xmas to all! Christmas suppose to be the most happy festive season don't you think? But Santa pissed me off. Again and again he forgot to give me present. . .Yeaaaaaaa bastard.
Anyway! Went dinner with my mom at the new cafe at Menjalara - One station. Is not new but is new outlet there. Thx mom for the dinner. ^^
The food there is normal. . . not really that nice thou. Supposed to have chocolate cake but no stock instead we get icecream. = 3= Gark! Later on my mom want me to accompany her watch movie.... SOOOOOOO as a good girl...yeah hear me right GUD GAL haha i accompanied my mom watched 4 stephen chow movie continuously. ^^ Wicked insane. Is funny. . . =) gai loh yao aaaa!!!
Here is my Sohai Sunglasses pose with me again ho ho ho :
I am very very seriously lazy to socialize ... am i in some kind of illness? ^^ But i met some hunters online! Damn cool lo! nex time can gather and play lan together... but too bad my monster hunter version different... shld i chg to MHP2 ? = 3=
GODDD i miss gaming!!
Sometimes i wish i can be like a boy ! = = rawr. Okay girl is fine =3
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