Friday, August 13, 2010

Exploded with games!

Whee. I just bought the Final Fantasy Bundle (7,8,9) for my PS3! Finally they are back at where they used to be, console! I am so excited, later at around 10pm i'll be able to download the games from PSN.

My favourite RPG of all time from ff is Final Fantasy 9. I love it so much, very entertaining and fun. Unlike the FF13, oh dear i can't believe they ignored all the fundamental of RPG game. Yes it was visually stunning but thats all they got to offer. The gameplay was straight forward, linear and lack of interaction with the environment. Boring game.

So i am very happy that i getting FF9 for the PS3 :) Epic on epic. And maybe i will give FF7 a try but i doubt that.

FF9! awesome :)

Sorry Light, your game suck :)

I give you 4 over 10.

Now i am thinking, should i get the Scott Pilgrim VS. The World? Look like a fun, old sch 8bit fighting game and you can multiplayer with friends:

Tempting.. :)

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