Monday, December 28, 2009
Saturday, December 26, 2009
I just got back from Steve Aoki party at MOS, Sunway. Initially supposed to just celebrate xmas with my mates in my hse, hseparty with pizza and pictionary games but to accompany my dear friends, so i went to MOS and to check out Steve Aoki too. His remixes were okay...the starting part was good but it gets repeatably boring at the end, the beats was all the same. Shinichi Osawa's were more exciting :P & bloody guys in the club were damn freaking weird and desperado. End.
So now is 6:19am, and i was looking at online shopping blog. Which reminds me of the ecommerce ebook i downloaded... I always wanted to start my own business :O Internet is a wonderful place to kickstart, defintely. No rental or etc bills.
So many things to do, so little $$ to invest!
Time to sleep.
Bucket List,
Friday, December 25, 2009
PMR results out! What is PMR? Is some sort of exam that similar to a ticket for you to gets to another stage of your high school education. The time when u decides whether to take science stream or art stream. I had my glory moment of PMR. I didn't study hard for mine but i did study smart, thats why i got straight As but nobody believes me espeacially my parents. Oh well but PMR just a tip of an iceberg nothing to be proud of (for me) i guess.
But i really proud of my two cousins ( both were the candidates for this year). They did great i must say, one got straight As ( study type) and another one got 3As but i know she more into sport and cooking etc. As doesnt matter to me, really. Maybe for the sake of the visual eyes, As look good but i believe the growth of the very person is much more important. What if you get fucking hell lots of As but you are a serial rapist?
I can definitely positive that my cousin she is a very caring and street smart person and she is one of my aunties' favourite niece btw. Apparently i am perceive as attitude problem child among my relatives. Great. All i wanted to say here is CONGRATULATION TO Yee En and Apple. Maybe your parents/parent are hard on you guys but oh wth, just do what you guys love to do k...SPM is more important. :P
You both makes us proud alright! ( i dont think they read my blog anyway)
The thing is while chatting with my mom on gmail yesterday, my mom told me that my cousin cried because of her result and that her mom is not happy with her result i guess. My mom told me she doesn't really care abt As too.
So i told her:" Wah izzit okay if i dont get first class and grad?"
She answered:" I don't care. Is not for me, is for you. You are the one with the debt."
Okay, this sounds familiar:" hmm...i know"
She added up:" At least you try your best first, dont give up so easily. Do your best."
Thats my mom. She don't care about your result or whatever. You want some rewards because you get good result? Dream on. She won't give you anything. Why would she? The result is for ourselves, you do good or bad is up to you. You just have to take your own consequences of the choices you made. She don't care.
Ahh i hate and love her guts.
Anyway! Plan for my semester break:
- Bloody SRI. Better finish it up by 15 Jan 2010. omg 2010 already.
- Google Stimulus. Meet and call more clients. MOONEY.
- Read up the books.
- Buy the IR emitter an receiver. Experimenting.
I just mere human. It's been fucking long since the last time i shop! damn.
& to whom it may concern, merry xmas! Ho ho and Happy new year :)
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Take a deep breath, think back my life reel of 2009.
Oh my fucking shit. 2009 was a seeding year i guess. What is a seeding year? Well when you plant something, you bury the seed in the soil right? Ya i shall call this year a seeding year. I tried and learned a lot of new stuff and knowledge. Hopefully in the new year ahead, i will able to harvest my fruitful growth of experience. Waiting for everything to ripe, need the right time and effort. Hopefully i don't screw things up.
I got my car license, a bf, working with google, intern at IF interactive, met lots of people, experimenting with technology, doing the things i like etc. All the experience i gained, and i guess i'll be a little more mature by the end of 2009. Definitely.
Like the old time:
New year resolution for 2010!
Be awesome
Be great
Be wonderful
in everything. & my FYP 2010! I think i really love doing new media art thingy :)

Not a good day.
Feel so useless.
What if everything i was rooting for is ruined. I shouldn't doubt myself.
Keep make it works!
Pain. Gastric pain. Wth, without warning while i was animating my video. Just pain and vomited and i got a big belly thanks to the acid gas.
I am like a burping monster. BURP
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Jump like Monkey!

Saturday, December 12, 2009
If you can spare a few moments for stargazing this weekend — and the weather cooperates — Sunday night will probably be your lucky night. That's when the year's brightest meteor shower is expected to show off.
The Geminids, so called because they appear to emanate from the Gemini constellation, are the most visible and dependable of about four or five major meteor showers each year, said Rebecca Johnson, editor of StarDate magazine, an astronomy magazine published by the University of Texas' McDonald Observatory.
Meteor showers are created when the Earth passes through the debris of comets, Johnson said.
Astronomers predict that there could be more than 100 meteors per hour well past the peak of the Geminid shower, which in Central Texas will take place about 11 p.m. Sunday and last into early dawn on Monday. Johnson said that moonlight sometimes overpowers the streaking lights produced during meteor showers, but Sunday night, a tiny waxing crescent moon is expected to leave the skies dark enough to provide a good backdrop for the Geminids. Quote from
Went to shooting star hunt midnight at around 1:30am! It is the time of Geminids meteor rain!
Actually i was sitting in front of my pc, thinking how am i going to start my thesis till i saw my sister's status there. Meteor rain! So i took my chances, ask Cheese to tag along to go grab some wishes from the shooting stars!
We found a dark place and kept staring at the sky. Nothing was coming. Nothing. But the stars in the sky were so pretty. It's been awhile since i stared up the night sky for so long. Long enough to cramp my neck. It was so beautiful. :)
So we were talking crap and feeding the mosquito (mostly me cause i wearing shorts!). Then my sister called me, asked did i spotted anything? I said no. So i asked:" Which direction should we stare at?" She told me the east side.
Cheese said:" As i remember in google map, MMU was facing here, so the east must be there!" Which reminded me too from the google map...the right side of the mmu should be facing east. Then i saw the north star or something like tat..pointing somewhere which means THERE should be east!
While talking talking, then suddenly "SHOOOooOo" white streak light just passed through under cheese head! I was like:" I SAW IT I SAW IT!" But not sure if that was the shooting star anot. After awhile, I REALLY DID SPOTTED THE SHOOTING STAR!! Cheese missed out again! but i saw it!
Omg! I was jumping like mad monkey. So excited. When was the last time i saw one? 10 years ago? :D Not just one, i saw 2! Positive 2! And this time Cheese joined me! He made a wish about getting his turntable. HAHAAAA. Then we stared at the sky for another 20mins and decided to call it off. 2:30am over. Our neck were definitely not so keen of us.
Meteor sightseeing makes me fuel me hopes and dreams again. Mind you i got 2 wishes now on my way to star express!
Fear not people, i checked out google and Geminids meteor rain will on for 13 and 14 dec maybe. 1:30am to 2:30am maybe!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
I can feel it now.
I starting to feel stress. After a long time, my forehead is constantly in minor pain and tight. And i keep frowning in front of the screen.
Nothing is coming out from my brain. Shit.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
What is your benefits?
I need more $ to explore in my projects. God damn. This the time when you wish you wish you have more saving or born-rich.
Met my parents and relatives at airport yesterday, one of my uncle was taking off back to New Zealand. Anyway, i wanted to take this opportunity to propose my $ thing to my mom cause i not financially independent, yet. Well what about dad? I dont think he knows what am i actually studying anyway. Mom knows but not really, she cares more i guess.
It was so hard for me to ask for it but i did. She said she can borrow me first. Haha. Later, just taking money from my mom, i felt bad. "Maybe i shld tell her what my project is" Thats what i thought. I told her, my overall research for now.
She was not impressed definitely and she asked:" Whats is the thing you do, do you any good? What is the benefit of this?"
I can't answer it.
Because is my project? Because i could learn more? I can save the world? These are the obvious reasons but i can't answer her question.
Do i need to do something that benefits the whole world? I might, i might not. I know now, when she asked, she was asking about..will all this shit helps you in your future job? ensure your career? money? (She just worry abt me :D )
I really don't know. But one thing for sure, i am growing and learning.
Is it worth it? Hell yeah.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Running away!
This is sooo torturing, my eyes and my brain. SRI! Thesis require tremendous reading to finish and i honestly hvnt really read finish any of the articles...but i only read the part that have the keywords i wanted and extract sentences from there. SRI is crazy. People who write thesis are absolutely awesome and patient people. For now, i am not awesome.
I keep thinking about my FYP!! Can't wait to experiment with Pachube but SRI is stopping me....because the submission date is tomorrow.
I just can't concentrate on that now so i decided to share my POST-IT board!:
You need:
- One empty plastic folder
- One paper
- Post-it notes
- Pen
Post-it can't stick well on wall, and my table is facing the wall. So i use plastic folder as the platform...but empty plastic folder looks so plain so i simply write out and doodle something on it and then put in the folder facing you. Tada! Finish! Now take a post-it notes (more color the merrier), use a pen to jot down anything and stick on it. :D
Okay this is officially pointless. Back to my SRI. No more running.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Plug in.
Look at my twitter page :D I customize the background a little bit. Now is much better. Tv bunny inspire by my fren, Su Mei's art.
It needs to be electrify! woohoo! ( Why am i so hype abt twitter now? Read my FYP blog) Expect more tweets from me soon. Last time i joined Twitter just to follow Johnny Depp but his account got suspended. Maybe is the fake 1 but oh well.
Now i going to use my tweets to follow some artists, community and friends.
See you guys there!
*Thinking of animating the background (but twitter dont support animated gif)
Google Stimulus Program had already started! Going to meet some clients and intern for google. How cool is that? I always loveeee google.
Now my focus going to be my Final Year Project, Special Research Interest (kill me pls), Badminton's test and assignments and Google! & my personal r&d.
Do visit my FYP site to give me some comments about my work. I do need it! Share your thoughts with me.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
i've been cooking for the past 4 days.
Risotto, spaghetti, fried rice and some korean fried rice thingy!
out of ingredients!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
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