My day:
1st surprise celebration by Ying, Biao and Daniel waikit. Nostalgic. They celebrated for my 18th or 17th bday during the Germany World Cup. Yes 4 of em! Thx you my buds!
Halo waikit, one slot of photo of you! haha
2nd the best
Another surprise by my secondary sch and gaming frens:

MTFK damn tired face. Oh well. I was a bitch that day HAHAHAA. Sorry guys but you know i love you all rite? :) I got an esprit purse and special made pikachu cheese cake by Kay. muax.
Update more later. kinda sleepy now! wahaha Here are the photos:

3rd times the charm:
Had a surprise lunch time with my mates! Thx you all so much for the surprise lil gathering and of coz the prezzie! The hobbit collection!

My girls. I am the king of causeee.
ish, family celeb takde.
jum lepak. i'll pay you
mat top
family celeb in camera ... lazy transfer haha
mat top : lepak mana?
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