I shall change my DLG project02 to MOTION GRAPHIC AE!
I had to make a showreel for my intern company in the near future so need to buckle up! HERE I COME AE!
Oh ya i almost forgot whats DLG stands for, in case i forget about it DLG = Destroy Lazy Gene.
Don't laugh.
Anyway! I found lots of nice website references and some ideas for my FYP! I think its gonna be interesting.... I shall make it installation + game.
Awesome. Meantime i just need to research more about it. Wait, i need to finish up the BOX! Where to buy cheap cardboard....hmm...
Some stuff:

Gosh. They even have twitshirt..thx to twitters.
Anyone's tweets can be in the twitshirt, for everyone 1 tshirt
you sell, you get 1 dollar, so 2 = 2 dollar and so on.
BUT do you think you will buy my tshirt if
my tweet is :" Fuck. It took me 1 hour to just shit out my shit."
I dont know. I dont tweets. :D
Is a interesting sites thats all.