Halo 财神爷 aka God-that-brings-you-money, if you ever read my blog ( God use internet?) please listen to my prayer....:" I NEED A NEW POWERFUL PERFORMANCE DESKTOP!!!"
My husband number 4 ( my Asus laptop) crushed again! I should file a divorce or sue him for crushing my softwares. Okei i shall stop this 家家酒 drama. When i was editing my video ( me hunting Rathian after 3-4 months of non-hunting life), the Adobe Premiere Pro was damn lagged and Camstasia Studio crushed! Even the video that i recorded got some problems at the end there.
Imagine if i am doing some serious thing like modelling 3D characters in my 3D software and if my laptop GG again, i will be very very very very pissed sad.
Dear husband please upgrade urself or i just gonna find another lover that can perform better than you!!!! ( Run with tears to the kitchen and grab some mandarin orange to makan.)
I hate this part right here. =)
@)&)@!&$)@&$)!@!@%_!%_!%!*#*!(! rawr.
Update : Right after i clicked publish post, my laptop just jammed or hanged or stucked for like 10 seconds. = = Great. Now he is mad at me.
我试过在save着3dmax的时候jam掉,然后整个file就corrupt掉了 =.=
一起换电脑吧!! 哈哈
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