On this glamarous day~ i shall crap some random "wisdom" to the world! ( as if the world will read and listen. . . maybe those penguin will ( madagascar movie lol)

I was thinking abt quote...and am trying to write a meaningful quote but end up having seizure :
"When you fart too much, don't be shy, stand up straight, fart right in your fren's face and ya thats how we produce fartard" by i dont dare to admit is me.
meaning(translation) : be who u want to be, don't afraid of exposing yourself to others. LOL and ya why so serious? we are all unique
some beautiful quotes fr famous ppl(not like mine) :
when in a relationship is not about you or him or her or me. Is about us. The feeling of having each other. Nowonder i can't be in a relationship, coz me always come first. WHAHAHAA
Shyness is a very curious thing, because, like quicksand, it can strike people are any time, and also, like quicksand, it usually makes its victims look down.this quote from Series of Unfortunate Event - The Austere Academy. Is a very cute quote. when ppl are shy they tend to look down. . .i wonder why? Why not left or right? why down....why why. I SHALL BLAME NEWTON! hahaaaaaa
The fear of life is the favorite disease of the 20th century.- William Lyon PhelpsThis is so damn true. I fear for my future. i fear for what i becoming. i am dragon. rawr.
In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on.- Robert FrostWhether we like it or not, our life goes on ... unless you go and dive into the sea with swarm of100 great white sharks!
sometimes i wish my life pause for awhile. . but hell no it just keep going and going on and on.
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