I should get ready for my trip to Sabah. Is a 6 days long trip~ i wonder what should i bring? My laptop? LOL just kidding. I gonna climb up to the mountain and down to the sea~ woohoo~
Too bad not going to mark my footsteps at the highest peak of mount Kinabalu and water rafting at Padas river. . . and my dear Sipadan~ maybe nex time .. . but i really want to try the water rafting lo...i not afraid of the fact that a German tourist died last year coz of Padas raft but .... the freaking price!! is RM180 to 200. = =" well 2 hrs water rafting....worth it anot?? shld i??

pics grab fr web..not mine~
i will try and see if i can get my way to the ride~ woohoo~
i really shld start packing = 3=
bring your laptop!! it's a six day trip gal, i bet you'll take lotsa photos till your memory card couldn't afford to store them all~ :P
have a nice trip ^^
a UWA lens~ sigma 10-20...hehhee
anyway, enjoy ur trip :-)
>shuqi : yalo my memory card only 2gb...but laptop so heavy ey - -
>smallfish : - -speak my language pls? what sigma? xD yea thx! u too
nak ikut :(
pg cari yap
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