Hollywood decided to reshoot the movie again with better quality? Why they love to remake other's country horror movie? etc juon...dark water... shattered and more. Are they out of original idea in making a horror film? Hope they don't screw up this movie - REC (original spanish ver).
They renamed the movie to QUARANTINE (In Theaters October 10th) . By the look from the trailer. . . . hmmmmmmmmm.
Here are the trailers of REC and QUARANTINE:


Go bring ur galfren along to watch this movie.
Trust me ,is fun. espeacially the ending part. XD spoiler
oh i love this movie
the ending part the best hehe ARTT)#@&) AARGH! shout all the way
oi. where's your grand opening la?
grand opening is right here XD
what what
chaq keep talking about grand opening thing.. whats dat? i dun understand?
chaq grand opening apa?!!
tats why
i pun tak tau. hantam saja
i got no gf watch wif me T.T
bring ur boyfren ya =D
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