If you are a stalker i am sure u know my birthday falls on the 1st of July every year and if you are a good stalker you should already give me my present! jk. ( just some lame introduction to my bday post LOL)
Sunday was the night i rushed my assignment for the whole night. Thought of sleep more at the coming night but my dear frens( okei just 6 of them) fr Kepong and far away fr Cyberjaya came to give me a surprise visit! How awesome? hehe not much people willing to drive so far (petrol price raise and toll !) to Cyber and give me surprise.
I was attacked by party poppers!! but is very pretty eventhought the moment is very short.
I got a cake and presents!! An external hd with 160 gb...chuu to all who give me this. & plushies from gugu soul-x, terry and the boy. lol
Dear Kire Ying!! love 9 u okei? but too bad din take much photos together(remember giv me the photo~). = 3= I happy that u guys came and yingying oso came hehe. Poor Jayson (9am work) also dragged along together and went sing k till 3am plus.
And damn Terry sing very loud without the mic. HAHA only me and the boy notice that. =) Well i forced the guys to sing Gimme More and trust me it sounded SCARY! Felt sorry to most of them coz they all got sore throat but seriously Cyberjaya got nothing to do 1. =)
In the end, i had fun~ less sleep but more fun so is okay i guess. XD Thx to all my friends you all are awesome but i the most awesomest! haha
No much photos cause no camera!! :
dude, u sudah tua. tak boleh main monster hunter lagi dah. pegi menuai padi wahai pesawah dari morfozon.
happy birthday!
cheese sial
maybe it is late but still wan to say : hi pretty happy birthday!
anwar > kote berasap anwar!!
khairul j> don be like him ya XD
墨者> thx for the wishes =) !
Thanks to the owner of this blog. Ive enjoyed reading this topic.
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