Good news everyone! ( rip off from Futurama ) The title has spoke for itself! Yay i finally watched Sweeney Todd The Demon Barber From Fleet Street. Me, Myra and Keat was rushing to Pyramid. 930pm show and we reached there at 920pm~ I thought we made it...but we missed out 5min of the show. = 3= Gawt.
This movie is awesome for a musical movie. Tim Burton and Johnny Depp combination is just so-oh-attractive. Nowonder the cinema is full, rare for a musical movie ya. HAHA Like and love the music, is very interesting indeed unlike Phantom Of the Opera... I remembered i watched POtO few years back and is pretty boring. @@ hehe i still prefer weird stuff.
Surprisingly, Johnny Depp and Halena Bonham Carter can sing well for the movie. Wonder they got get professional vocal training anot? Most probably they had . keke. Good Effort and thumbs up for both of them and all the casts.
Khai Ming said is bad because not demonic and gore enough. >.< But still under 18 kenot watch this show cause of bloody scene which Malaysia censorship board did what they do best - they censored it. Duh. Come on. Is fake blood hehe. Oh yea the song is repeatative especially the song Johanna but i think it still appropriate la cause suit the mood what they both missing Johanna so they sing the song lo. HAHA
FYI, Sweeney Todd movie is adapt from the famous broadway Sweeney Todd. And i found this when i searching for Sweeney Todd image. hehe cute ha?

I ** Sweeney Todd Soundtrack and now indulge myself with the music. My favourite tracks are Worst Pies In London, My Friends, Pirelli's Miracle Elixir, Green Finch and Linnet Birds, Johanna(doink) and By The Sea. Spin it.
The ending of the movie is unexpected and sad. Oh well. Bite my shiny metal ass. (end with futurama rip~)
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