What did you guys did on your last day of 2007? For me, this year is abit special, my last day. I woke up then i suddenly got the rush to go out . So i remember Ying told me that she and Joanna will go to Sungai Wang on 31st Dec 2007. I told her i not going with them today but end up i go and bath, make up and ciaoz to Sungai Wang. Lucky Khai Ming that time also going back to KL, so we took the bus together. Then i smsed Ying tell her I AM COMING! haha but!! There was a twist, she was not at Sungai Wang and she went to Bangsar shopping. Disappointed but kenot blamed her cause is my fault! haha XD long time no go out with her ald. . = ="
Anyway Khai Ming purposely accompanied me eat lunch at Timesquare then only he went back to his home at Gombak. After he left, i am all alone in KL city. Ho Ho Ho. Oh well, so i walked to Low yat and suddenly APA MACAM stomachpain pula. . . = =" Guess wat LY toilet entrance fees is like RM1 wei!!! wtf so expensive?? inside the toiletbowl is made of gold izit? But i did spend my RM1 wisely, cause i shitted inside!! HAHA
After shitting, feel so damn shu fuk lo! Next is to hunt for my Planex USB adapter!! I remember some monster hunter guy told me is at 3rd floor , it hypermarket. So i walked and walked and found it! Go in, ask the counter then TA DA!! SWEET! finally i bought it! FINALLY can play with other hunter from around the world~
msn : madmazelle@hotmail.com
kai id : madmazelle
ingamename(MHF2nd) : bb`Bug (don ask me why i use this name = =)
After hunt down my 1st item, i went to Sungai Wang and hunt for Yvonne Bday present. Is her 21st bday ~ 1st January! nice date ha? hehe Shopping around alone was not bad actually lol but a lil bit lonely. And i wan to complain!!! CIMB ATM MACHINE SUX! = = lazy to type out wat happened back then but end up i still got my money la. Oh yea i bought a vest and a Stussy cap for her. Hope she like it ya. And i did not buy anything for myself T_T~~ shirtssss~
After bought all the things, box and wrapping paper, is time to rush back to CyberJaya cause night got BBQ!! I sat Monorail and ERL back Cyber cause i dont wan to be late. That time was already 6pm plus, and i supposed to meet back my friends at Cyber before 7pm. End up i was early! yay. Waited for my friend to fetch me at the bus station, wait and wait and wait. = = Hvnt come yet so i walked away from the crowd and sit by a pillar there and had some puff~
The most amazing moment happened later on, I saw sunset. The last sunset in 2007. At bus station where people leave or return, farewell and reunion. Is a nice place. Looking at the sunset, refresh every single moment of my 2007. My last year to be 19, to be in the 10 category. Hell yea this year i am 20. XD With my psp accompanied me~
"Pin" my fren's car horned and i quickly ran in the car and ready to welcome my 2008!!! ON THE WAY TO JAIL!! HAHAHAAAA
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