Back from Genting! Woohoo straight go Grandma house eat lunch, Grandpa out from hospital and he look much better now. Thx God.
While eating my delectable yummy home cooking lunch XD ( i am grandma's cooking's fan ) i read through articles in newspaper. One of the article attract me is about this lady. I think she from Taiwan actress or artist. Well is just a normal interview about her but i very very very agree with what she said in the paper.
We as a modern age women or girl , should know how to make ourselves happy and not always be sad. Our OWN happiness should come first in our life, just like a pyramid but sadly most of the girl have inverted pyramid. Here is a clearer image(or more confusing LOL) :
This is what i believe too. I saw lot of sad case around me, in the news and everywhere. They are sad and depressed over their boy, life, family etc. Her bf hit her, her bf treat her like shit yet Girl treat them with patient and tolerant but what we get is shitty repay. Seriously is this really what you wanted?? We should care more of our own feeling and happiness. Happiness should be the 1st place in the pyramid 2nd will be your boy, family, frens. 3rd will be money, material and etc. Learn to love yourself so that you can love somebody else.
In the interview, she also said that some of her girlfriend everyday keep complain about the pay for the job is not gud , that bf not gud. When you not happy with it just change it or throw it , what for make self suffer? Just do something you like then even if is hard you will still love it no matter how.
What i think is:
We swim like mad sperm to get in that fugly ovum just to be birth in this wonderful world. We are all fighters and winners , we deserver better. That is why we should make ourselves more happy cause we are winner ! We are not born to be treat like some garbage here. We are all champion here! Sometimes being stubborn and self-centered is not such a bad thing after all. Is not that you are selfish, you just stand up for yourself, your own point of view. Yea i glad that i am stubborn. I glad that i not follower anymore. I glad that i can fight for myself.
有时 女人自我 是一件好事. 至少你了解自己, 肯为自己活得精彩!
将才是最有自信的人. 超爽的!
Other people torture you, is a crime. You torture yourself, is a sin.
Come on! Step up Step up! 活出自我吧!!!! ( LOL )
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