Sexy in Unsexual Way
Super duper thanks to Nana cause give me a chance to go to Live & Loud! I went to both RnB night (Wednesday) and Acoustic night(Thursday cause of the lovely VIP ticket that Nana gave! XD
Okei the RnB night held at Stadium Negara. HAHA Me and my friends had trouble searching this place but end up is just beside Stadium Merdeka. Swt. We went in at 1030pm and the shoe just started ! haha lucky us cause previous performance is by own local artists. RnB is er weird or loud or crazy? First of all i go there is for fun and to see KC and JoJo cause of their 2 famous songs, yea basically i jus know two of their songs. ^^ 1st performance is LiLD then some RnB group ( which keep advertising their album) and last is KC and Jojo.
KC is crazy man. HE is fucking crazy = = crazy in a horny way. He keep "raba-raba" his own dick and put his tongue out to do belly dance. You know tongue can do belly dancing? XD Anyway i never thought he would do that. Jojo is more er normal. No much pictures taken there cause everybody din't bring any camera haha XD
After the concert everybody sick of RnB lol.... ( just for tat night =3 ) Okei the next day! Me and my friends got vip tickets too to watch Acoustic night!!!! I DAMN LOOKING FORWARD TO THIS CONCERT cause JAMES MORRISON. Daaammmnnn his voice super sexy can. Yesterday was awesome!! Superb live by the British singer and oso the Australian artist Rick Price.
Rick Price is multipurpose talented guy. Whole show through is only him and he played the guitar, piano and harmony together with guitar. Wootz. Salute you man but so sorry i fell asleep awhile cause the song is just too sleepy XD hahaaaa
Then after his performance is JAMES MORRISON!! omg those fans is super crazy, keep screaming all the way. There was this one sound check guy , he went up to the stage and the fans thought it was James ( cause of the curly blonde hair) everybody is like screaming. HAHA then for a sec i thought was him too but naaaahh is not = = damn funny. After a long wait, finally he is out!! omgg! seriously we were wearing couple outfit LOL!! (thick face) yea both of us got wear vest AHAHAA.
His live is damn damn fucking awesome!! His husky voice is damn sexy wei! He played the guitar and there were 3 different guitars. He is very very good in singing well he got his own style man and he is a funny guy. He talked with the crowd and respond to thm. One of the guy near my row there shouted:
" Haha Thx. You are sexy in (hand moving) way too.."
AHAHA XD damn funny la... then lot of stuff he said that night is very funny too. I think i recorded in my hp, well my lousy 1.3 megapixels hp T_T sad. Argh sexy man!!!! If he come again i sure will go again cause he is sexy, his voice is sexy, his performance is sexy~~ keke
wooottzzz.... ~ Later will get pictures from my fren, his dslr camera is way better thn mine (hp). Post soon for the pictures and videos!! Stay Tune.
P.s Those who don't know who are those awesome people? go google it. =)
Here are the vids i found in ( better in quality and sound!) :
Check it out!
This vid is abt his new song~
The famous You Give Me Something by James Morrison.
Wonderful World. He funny in here ~ tuut tuuut tuuut ~
Pictures soon~
Friday, November 30, 2007
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Shoot SHooT SHOOT!
Been playingCompany of Heroes Call Of Duty 4 with hsemates.... is better than counterstrike!! haha my aiming skill suck la...but quite chigek to play with! XD
Been playing
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Fall into Pieces
Busy with assigns and some personal matter ( conflict within self LOL ) Don't worry i spilled it all out ald..feel much better now.
Lately frustrated but i will be okay anyway, just need some time to figure things up. Just wish that i honest with everyone. HAHA
Might be going to Penang this week .. YAY can meet sohpoh (bibi) ( She cut her long hair!! MUST SEE!) and do assignments. I am doing about Penang's food! Suppose to take pics of different food and video too. Oh ya i need a teh tarik guy too. hmm~~ HELP
Finally now i know where to get my stuff fr the Lowyat but bloody rally or riot going on in KL now. Indians are protesting against Malaysia Government. They are fighting for their rights. Wonder will the history (513) repeat again here? Darurat!!! Then everybody have to stay in their house, no class = no assignments hehe =P
Not that i hate assigns is just so many restriction...haih!
Busy with assigns and some personal matter ( conflict within self LOL ) Don't worry i spilled it all out ald..feel much better now.
Lately frustrated but i will be okay anyway, just need some time to figure things up. Just wish that i honest with everyone. HAHA
Might be going to Penang this week .. YAY can meet sohpoh (bibi) ( She cut her long hair!! MUST SEE!) and do assignments. I am doing about Penang's food! Suppose to take pics of different food and video too. Oh ya i need a teh tarik guy too. hmm~~ HELP
Finally now i know where to get my stuff fr the Lowyat but bloody rally or riot going on in KL now. Indians are protesting against Malaysia Government. They are fighting for their rights. Wonder will the history (513) repeat again here? Darurat!!! Then everybody have to stay in their house, no class = no assignments hehe =P
Not that i hate assigns is just so many restriction...haih!
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Pasar Malam
Pasar Malam - Freakin Crowded
From the title, we know the setting of the place is NIGHT MARKET! haha XD Went to Kepong's night market with Ying~ It was damn jammed and crowded with humans (=д=;) Push and push by people. Gosh . . . = = I wonder where all he people came from? JOHOR?
Saw a very nice lolita like white shoe with high platform 1. . . but no size . . = = celaka. Anyway bought a necklace, for my future dear. XD hahaaaaa who gonna get my key~~ bleh
Then we walked and walked and march and march = = swt Finally we finished strolling around and decided to eat dinner. We bought takoyaki, fried lobak gou and fried tau fu. (Ying goin to get sick!! haha )
Was waiting and got nothing to do.. wanted to film the guy that cooking this delicious food. XD
Later we went Biao house to dine ! haha i pretend he is our kakak and he willingly be our kakak for 45min ( ̄ε ̄;) :
Went back home found out that... I LOST MY PSP BUDDY T_T where are you... pif i tried to install some plugin in my Psp and end up almost brick it. Damn scary. WHERE ARE YOU!! I NEED YOUR GUIDANCE BUDDY T_T
sad sad sad.
tml have to find a way to go back to Cyberjaya. Lazy betul. (=д=;)
From the title, we know the setting of the place is NIGHT MARKET! haha XD Went to Kepong's night market with Ying~ It was damn jammed and crowded with humans (=д=;) Push and push by people. Gosh . . . = = I wonder where all he people came from? JOHOR?
Saw a very nice lolita like white shoe with high platform 1. . . but no size . . = = celaka. Anyway bought a necklace, for my future dear. XD hahaaaaa who gonna get my key~~ bleh
Then we walked and walked and march and march = = swt Finally we finished strolling around and decided to eat dinner. We bought takoyaki, fried lobak gou and fried tau fu. (Ying goin to get sick!! haha )
Was waiting and got nothing to do.. wanted to film the guy that cooking this delicious food. XD
Later we went Biao house to dine ! haha i pretend he is our kakak and he willingly be our kakak for 45min ( ̄ε ̄;) :
Went back home found out that... I LOST MY PSP BUDDY T_T where are you... pif i tried to install some plugin in my Psp and end up almost brick it. Damn scary. WHERE ARE YOU!! I NEED YOUR GUIDANCE BUDDY T_T
sad sad sad.
tml have to find a way to go back to Cyberjaya. Lazy betul. (=д=;)
Some Thought
Big Girl Don't Sad ( Read finish or else don't even start )
Back from Genting! Woohoo straight go Grandma house eat lunch, Grandpa out from hospital and he look much better now. Thx God.
While eating my delectable yummy home cooking lunch XD ( i am grandma's cooking's fan ) i read through articles in newspaper. One of the article attract me is about this lady. I think she from Taiwan actress or artist. Well is just a normal interview about her but i very very very agree with what she said in the paper.
We as a modern age women or girl , should know how to make ourselves happy and not always be sad. Our OWN happiness should come first in our life, just like a pyramid but sadly most of the girl have inverted pyramid. Here is a clearer image(or more confusing LOL) :

This is what i believe too. I saw lot of sad case around me, in the news and everywhere. They are sad and depressed over their boy, life, family etc. Her bf hit her, her bf treat her like shit yet Girl treat them with patient and tolerant but what we get is shitty repay. Seriously is this really what you wanted?? We should care more of our own feeling and happiness. Happiness should be the 1st place in the pyramid 2nd will be your boy, family, frens. 3rd will be money, material and etc. Learn to love yourself so that you can love somebody else.
In the interview, she also said that some of her girlfriend everyday keep complain about the pay for the job is not gud , that bf not gud. When you not happy with it just change it or throw it , what for make self suffer? Just do something you like then even if is hard you will still love it no matter how.
What i think is:
We swim like mad sperm to get in that fugly ovum just to be birth in this wonderful world. We are all fighters and winners , we deserver better. That is why we should make ourselves more happy cause we are winner ! We are not born to be treat like some garbage here. We are all champion here! Sometimes being stubborn and self-centered is not such a bad thing after all. Is not that you are selfish, you just stand up for yourself, your own point of view. Yea i glad that i am stubborn. I glad that i not follower anymore. I glad that i can fight for myself.
有时 女人自我 是一件好事. 至少你了解自己, 肯为自己活得精彩!
将才是最有自信的人. 超爽的!
Other people torture you, is a crime. You torture yourself, is a sin.
Come on! Step up Step up! 活出自我吧!!!! ( LOL )
Back from Genting! Woohoo straight go Grandma house eat lunch, Grandpa out from hospital and he look much better now. Thx God.
While eating my delectable yummy home cooking lunch XD ( i am grandma's cooking's fan ) i read through articles in newspaper. One of the article attract me is about this lady. I think she from Taiwan actress or artist. Well is just a normal interview about her but i very very very agree with what she said in the paper.
We as a modern age women or girl , should know how to make ourselves happy and not always be sad. Our OWN happiness should come first in our life, just like a pyramid but sadly most of the girl have inverted pyramid. Here is a clearer image(or more confusing LOL) :
This is what i believe too. I saw lot of sad case around me, in the news and everywhere. They are sad and depressed over their boy, life, family etc. Her bf hit her, her bf treat her like shit yet Girl treat them with patient and tolerant but what we get is shitty repay. Seriously is this really what you wanted?? We should care more of our own feeling and happiness. Happiness should be the 1st place in the pyramid 2nd will be your boy, family, frens. 3rd will be money, material and etc. Learn to love yourself so that you can love somebody else.
In the interview, she also said that some of her girlfriend everyday keep complain about the pay for the job is not gud , that bf not gud. When you not happy with it just change it or throw it , what for make self suffer? Just do something you like then even if is hard you will still love it no matter how.
What i think is:
We swim like mad sperm to get in that fugly ovum just to be birth in this wonderful world. We are all fighters and winners , we deserver better. That is why we should make ourselves more happy cause we are winner ! We are not born to be treat like some garbage here. We are all champion here! Sometimes being stubborn and self-centered is not such a bad thing after all. Is not that you are selfish, you just stand up for yourself, your own point of view. Yea i glad that i am stubborn. I glad that i not follower anymore. I glad that i can fight for myself.
有时 女人自我 是一件好事. 至少你了解自己, 肯为自己活得精彩!
将才是最有自信的人. 超爽的!
Other people torture you, is a crime. You torture yourself, is a sin.
Come on! Step up Step up! 活出自我吧!!!! ( LOL )
Dinner... XD
Dinner at Genting
Saturday went to my mom's company dinner. The theme of the dinner is VICTORIAN theme wand my mom's fren interpret the wrong info to my mom. She told her is just some royalty theme as long u wear like royalty but is Victorian theme..... = = So i wear like a men ~ coz i dont have those puffy dress. i wear a vest. XD and WAHHLAO those aunty geng.. they really do wear like Victorian with those feather hat, puffpuff suuper puffy dress~ and etc.
The dinner is damn long i tell you.. DAMN FREAKIN LONG~~ had to listen to their speech and recognition and the slimming contest and an old singer singing for like 1 hour plus! The dinner end at 1:05am. We left earlier... i bet the dinner end at around 2am. The longest dinner ever and the food is not delicious. The dessert is fine thou ( some sort of Pandan Muachi )

This the most delicious food in the dinner ^^
This is what i do in the middle of some er talk or recognition speech:

Why i did this? cause i possessed magic power! Shhh is a secret. =3
Ohya and one more videoclip~ When she think she safe, think again.. SIS aka filifeleh singing and lipsync some oldies hot track:
Saturday went to my mom's company dinner. The theme of the dinner is VICTORIAN theme wand my mom's fren interpret the wrong info to my mom. She told her is just some royalty theme as long u wear like royalty but is Victorian theme..... = = So i wear like a men ~ coz i dont have those puffy dress. i wear a vest. XD and WAHHLAO those aunty geng.. they really do wear like Victorian with those feather hat, puffpuff suuper puffy dress~ and etc.
The dinner is damn long i tell you.. DAMN FREAKIN LONG~~ had to listen to their speech and recognition and the slimming contest and an old singer singing for like 1 hour plus! The dinner end at 1:05am. We left earlier... i bet the dinner end at around 2am. The longest dinner ever and the food is not delicious. The dessert is fine thou ( some sort of Pandan Muachi )
This is what i do in the middle of some er talk or recognition speech:
Why i did this? cause i possessed magic power! Shhh is a secret. =3
When going back hotel, i saw a Taiwanese celebrity - 黄嘉千. I don't know her english name is what thou. Just a glance, she going up to hotel 1st world with her bf which is Ang Moh LOL
Then i went to find my frens but they all was sleeping. Oh well~ sleep early is not a bad choice after all!
slp slp! cold slp!
Then i went to find my frens but they all was sleeping. Oh well~ sleep early is not a bad choice after all!
slp slp! cold slp!
Ohya and one more videoclip~ When she think she safe, think again.. SIS aka filifeleh singing and lipsync some oldies hot track:
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Decided to go for ouji style mix with loli for tomorrow victorian theme dinner . = = BLAH don't care ald! Well i don't have the cap or hat and the coat and the boots.... = = GARK

and CONGRATULATION to William Gallyot aka my hsemate who won The Mines Photography Competition 2nd prize!!! gratz gratz... Got RM2k and 2 nights stay at the Golden Palace.
Decided to go for ouji style mix with loli for tomorrow victorian theme dinner . = = BLAH don't care ald! Well i don't have the cap or hat and the coat and the boots.... = = GARK

and CONGRATULATION to William Gallyot aka my hsemate who won The Mines Photography Competition 2nd prize!!! gratz gratz... Got RM2k and 2 nights stay at the Golden Palace.
Friday, November 16, 2007
f u c k
stupid dinner have to wear victorian costume. BUT i don have any of those costume. . . = =
i hate formal formal dinner.
= =
i wan hide in genting tml!!
stupid dinner have to wear victorian costume. BUT i don have any of those costume. . . = =
i hate formal formal dinner.
= =
i wan hide in genting tml!!
FF9 on PSP
Poslaju came!!! I finally got my FF9 cd from Jia Yong ! He is such a nice nice nice nice person! XD Arigatou gozaimasu~ Inside the mail even include the instruction T_T thx you so much..
and finally the moment!! TADA!!! I CAN PLAY Final Fantasy 9 with my lovely PSP! wheeeee FF9! my most fav ff series ever... till now...nothing beat it.. >.< other FF i just dont like it... FF13? dono
Cool down... anyway gonna play it now! hehe
Poslaju came!!! I finally got my FF9 cd from Jia Yong ! He is such a nice nice nice nice person! XD Arigatou gozaimasu~ Inside the mail even include the instruction T_T thx you so much..
and finally the moment!! TADA!!! I CAN PLAY Final Fantasy 9 with my lovely PSP! wheeeee FF9! my most fav ff series ever... till now...nothing beat it.. >.< other FF i just dont like it... FF13? dono
Cool down... anyway gonna play it now! hehe
Previous post i mentioned that i FINALLY took puri-puri with my Cyber Fren aka MMU frens! Here are the puri puri! XD 8 of us cramp ourself in this money sucking machine :
1st puri which shldn't be here (Ginny ter-choose this 1 = = i wan another got me showing mid-finger 1)

i look like a cute boy here t(-_-"t) ha ha!
Previous post i mentioned that i FINALLY took puri-puri with my Cyber Fren aka MMU frens! Here are the puri puri! XD 8 of us cramp ourself in this money sucking machine :

There are some more puri but is with another fren so will get from her soon.
Anyway today i am quite happy eventhough lack of sleep and tired and eat at cacat hour.
Things that made me happy now :
1. Later only got 1 class which is Design Process for Digital Media!! yay 4 hrs class =3
2. Katamari PsP game now is at 96.6% . . 3.4% more then i can play ~~ KATA!
3. I sketch my MHF2 hunter character wearing Giaprey equipment set hehe but lazy color (don't have tablet oso T_T) later i will show it! My noob hunter got nicer armor ald! HAHA Giaprey not the most gosu armor but is the easiest to draw ( me this noob never draw this kind of charac before) whn i more pro i will try draw more complicated and YENG armor! =3
4. Found a long lost horror movie which is Tales from the Cryptkeeper - Demon Knight (1995). I remember i watch this on astro HBO channel. (no more astro T_T)
5. Listening Uverworld songs.. XD
Going to sleep now! is already 4:17am Katamari will be complete whn i wake up ( HOPEFULLY )
Anyway today i am quite happy eventhough lack of sleep and tired and eat at cacat hour.
Things that made me happy now :
1. Later only got 1 class which is Design Process for Digital Media!! yay 4 hrs class =3
2. Katamari PsP game now is at 96.6% . . 3.4% more then i can play ~~ KATA!
3. I sketch my MHF2 hunter character wearing Giaprey equipment set hehe but lazy color (don't have tablet oso T_T) later i will show it! My noob hunter got nicer armor ald! HAHA Giaprey not the most gosu armor but is the easiest to draw ( me this noob never draw this kind of charac before) whn i more pro i will try draw more complicated and YENG armor! =3
4. Found a long lost horror movie which is Tales from the Cryptkeeper - Demon Knight (1995). I remember i watch this on astro HBO channel. (no more astro T_T)
5. Listening Uverworld songs.. XD
Going to sleep now! is already 4:17am Katamari will be complete whn i wake up ( HOPEFULLY )
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Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Wah wahhh WAAHHH!!
Guess what time izit?
A. 6:41am
B. 6:41am
C. 6:42am
Jiang Jiang! The answer is C.
My class will be start in er 2hr and 10mins time. Went out just now with Umar,Charuk and Yvonne ( we walk or dance like zombie (girly man man man...) all the way fr Cyberia to Darif ). We brag abt almost everything. KeKe. One thing for sure, we like comic HAHA conclusion from the conversation @@
Why i don't want to sleep? Lets me this Bug the Wise tell the world one thing, 2hrs of slp wont help you feel any much fresher or less tired, so might as well be zombie.
OH YA! Charuk said that the zombie in 28 days later (movie) run like bullet... = =" which is terrifying and so wrong!! ALL FELLA ZOMBIES~~ YOU ALL SUPPOSE TO CRAWL AND WALK LIKE HANDICAP and not run like human okay? = = Be yourself!
Wow the sky is turning BRIGHTER! XD Listening glamorous sky by mika. Hachi lets go~
Suddenly feel that in my 19 years of life. . . did i really achieve anything that i can be memorable of. . . think think think! Hmm none. EMPTY!! feel so empty inside. How to outlive myself? Honestly, reality is cruel, yea i afraid of my own future but i looking forward to it at the same time. Some sort of contradiction here. yadda yadda... = =" THIS TIME OF HOUR IS NOT GUD TO THINK SO NEGATIVE ! GARK!
When is Katamari gonna finish download ? = = DAMN SLOWW!! SEED! NEED MORE SEEDS! XD gaming is the thing i proud of LOL!
打机打倒成绩差不多棒棒声. . .不错~~
Guess what time izit?
A. 6:41am
B. 6:41am
C. 6:42am
Jiang Jiang! The answer is C.
My class will be start in er 2hr and 10mins time. Went out just now with Umar,Charuk and Yvonne ( we walk or dance like zombie (girly man man man...) all the way fr Cyberia to Darif ). We brag abt almost everything. KeKe. One thing for sure, we like comic HAHA conclusion from the conversation @@
Why i don't want to sleep? Lets me this Bug the Wise tell the world one thing, 2hrs of slp wont help you feel any much fresher or less tired, so might as well be zombie.
OH YA! Charuk said that the zombie in 28 days later (movie) run like bullet... = =" which is terrifying and so wrong!! ALL FELLA ZOMBIES~~ YOU ALL SUPPOSE TO CRAWL AND WALK LIKE HANDICAP and not run like human okay? = = Be yourself!
Wow the sky is turning BRIGHTER! XD Listening glamorous sky by mika. Hachi lets go~
Suddenly feel that in my 19 years of life. . . did i really achieve anything that i can be memorable of. . . think think think! Hmm none. EMPTY!! feel so empty inside. How to outlive myself? Honestly, reality is cruel, yea i afraid of my own future but i looking forward to it at the same time. Some sort of contradiction here. yadda yadda... = =" THIS TIME OF HOUR IS NOT GUD TO THINK SO NEGATIVE ! GARK!
When is Katamari gonna finish download ? = = DAMN SLOWW!! SEED! NEED MORE SEEDS! XD gaming is the thing i proud of LOL!
打机打倒成绩差不多棒棒声. . .不错~~
to my didi
To Baka Didi
Halo~~ since me this "big" one never done anything nice or treat u well
so i edited this for you and ur lovely gf... XD Good luck in your spm!
Halo~~ since me this "big" one never done anything nice or treat u well
so i edited this for you and ur lovely gf... XD Good luck in your spm!
Monday, November 12, 2007
ICQ suxk?
Oh ya previous post i said that i got an ICQ account but damn i cant even download the ICQ installer. . = =
Guess i won't be able to play ICQ again... MSN msn Msn
Guess i won't be able to play ICQ again... MSN msn Msn
Don't try to label me hypocrite,
Cause i will do what i wan to.
Found a old CD that i bought when i was er Form 4 ? XD Is a very energetic and awesome album. The lyric are cool and the music is very catchy and new. I used to listen to it always when i finish school. hoho I remember i learned some new word fr the lyric too. LOL
Now she got another 2nd album... donno if is as good as the first one.. XD haha looking forward to it.

Skye is a very unique name indeed. My fav songs in this album are Heart Of Glass, Fallen Through, Smoke+Mirror(very special song) and actually ALL OF IT i like it. haha
Cause i will do what i wan to.
Found a old CD that i bought when i was er Form 4 ? XD Is a very energetic and awesome album. The lyric are cool and the music is very catchy and new. I used to listen to it always when i finish school. hoho I remember i learned some new word fr the lyric too. LOL
Now she got another 2nd album... donno if is as good as the first one.. XD haha looking forward to it.

Skye is a very unique name indeed. My fav songs in this album are Heart Of Glass, Fallen Through, Smoke+Mirror(very special song) and actually ALL OF IT i like it. haha
Other than this, found a band in youtube , is Paramore. The lead singer is a gal thn other band mates are all boys. Not bad at all this band.
Flash Back
Uh Oh! still remember when you receive a instant message , a cute monkey sound will occur. YEsh! is ICQ! damn i miss it suddenly , so i went to download and register an account again. I still remember last time my ICQ number is 112******** something something. Now my ICQ number is 390987660
yay! there is a number 7! i like 7 . Cause i was born to love this number. Nothing much.
ICQ brings back a lot memories ! It was my first instant messenger, beside MIRC. haha ! the day when u ask ppl about ASL or ppl replied u with 19/f/kl. Fun. . and i used to download all my songs fr MIRC, the way to download a song is fun itself. And i met some very cool frens in ICQ and MIRC. hehe ignorant me.
Uh oh!
Uh Oh! still remember when you receive a instant message , a cute monkey sound will occur. YEsh! is ICQ! damn i miss it suddenly , so i went to download and register an account again. I still remember last time my ICQ number is 112******** something something. Now my ICQ number is 390987660
yay! there is a number 7! i like 7 . Cause i was born to love this number. Nothing much.
ICQ brings back a lot memories ! It was my first instant messenger, beside MIRC. haha ! the day when u ask ppl about ASL or ppl replied u with 19/f/kl. Fun. . and i used to download all my songs fr MIRC, the way to download a song is fun itself. And i met some very cool frens in ICQ and MIRC. hehe ignorant me.
Uh oh!
Sunday, November 11, 2007
i miss final fantasy 9
cant wait to play on my psp . . T_T
cant wait to play on my psp . . T_T
Friday, November 9, 2007
Khezu = = i got u
Drum rolls~~~~
Finally i hunt down this bastard ugly monster that keep shock ppl aka Khezu.
Yesterday, when i going back Kepong in the bus, i played my hunter and finally killed this bastard.. Overwhelmed with excitement and happiness . . but bloody hell my camera phone siao at that time. Luckily, i still manage to take a video of my glory moment = 3
Is not easy for me to kill this Khezu . . as i am still a noob hunter and when he go berserk. . holy shit keep die . . . = = BUT FINALLY he is dead under my feet. HAHA
happy happy~~ finish 2 star village mission still Hr1 thou . .
gonna go out now... blog and hunt later
Finally i hunt down this bastard ugly monster that keep shock ppl aka Khezu.
Yesterday, when i going back Kepong in the bus, i played my hunter and finally killed this bastard.. Overwhelmed with excitement and happiness . . but bloody hell my camera phone siao at that time. Luckily, i still manage to take a video of my glory moment = 3
Is not easy for me to kill this Khezu . . as i am still a noob hunter and when he go berserk. . holy shit keep die . . . = = BUT FINALLY he is dead under my feet. HAHA
happy happy~~ finish 2 star village mission still Hr1 thou . .
gonna go out now... blog and hunt later
Monster Hunter Portable 2nd
Monday, November 5, 2007
Monster Hunter F2 Maniac!
Charuk bday aka my hunting day haha
That night, my mom insist to fetch me back to Cyberjaya because she think i am stupid which dono how to take train. Oh well...~ i enjoy the trip..~ Anyway went back Cyber thn straight went out to celebrate Charuk BDAY! XD 19 years old ald` Wanted to celebrate at Mines One station but the shop already shut down...some other mamak take over ! LOL END UP we went to FTZ at Sunway but we waited at Starbuck cause Roy the blur lost his way and went to PJ = = "
So in Starbuck..i started to hunt my monster...!
This is land shark...! forgot the name XD YAY finally capture it! JiaYong said this is chicken dragon..coz keep hide in sand.. = =
That night, my mom insist to fetch me back to Cyberjaya because she think i am stupid which dono how to take train. Oh well...~ i enjoy the trip..~ Anyway went back Cyber thn straight went out to celebrate Charuk BDAY! XD 19 years old ald` Wanted to celebrate at Mines One station but the shop already shut down...some other mamak take over ! LOL END UP we went to FTZ at Sunway but we waited at Starbuck cause Roy the blur lost his way and went to PJ = = "
So in Starbuck..i started to hunt my monster...!
Monster Hunter Portable 2nd
New Band in the House!
Monday is not Bad
Today first day of new sem class. Is se-lam-ba betul cause most of the class just briefing and nothing much. The negative part were all the classes already brief about our final project in the 1st class. They like to make use suffer in stress XD cant blame them thou, is short sem.
Anyway went to Alamanda Putrajaya to shop for groceries with my fella house mates. Bought whole trolley of stuffs but of coz not all is mine k? - - i am broke! The best part is when on our way back and to eat dinner, William, Myra, Yvonne, Khai Ming and me made some music ! out of random with the stuff we bought as instument and ya the gift of mother nature which is the wonder of human voice LOL
enjoy @@
This is some sort of ritual sacrifice song . . = = :
This is Lion King Theme song . .in the end got a car nearly bang us...haha and a horn sound is heard ^^ :
Indian style . . lately is quite popular :
So. . . any fans wan autograph? PM me =D
Today first day of new sem class. Is se-lam-ba betul cause most of the class just briefing and nothing much. The negative part were all the classes already brief about our final project in the 1st class. They like to make use suffer in stress XD cant blame them thou, is short sem.
Anyway went to Alamanda Putrajaya to shop for groceries with my fella house mates. Bought whole trolley of stuffs but of coz not all is mine k? - - i am broke! The best part is when on our way back and to eat dinner, William, Myra, Yvonne, Khai Ming and me made some music ! out of random with the stuff we bought as instument and ya the gift of mother nature which is the wonder of human voice LOL
enjoy @@
This is some sort of ritual sacrifice song . . = = :
This is Lion King Theme song . .in the end got a car nearly bang us...haha and a horn sound is heard ^^ :
Indian style . . lately is quite popular :
So. . . any fans wan autograph? PM me =D
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Back to Cyber
Goin back to Cyber later. . .
Bye bye smooth internet line.......welcome bad and dc line in cyber
Bye Bye ~~
Bye bye smooth internet line.......welcome bad and dc line in cyber
Bye Bye ~~
Sem start
Feel down = = I know why!!! BECAUSE is Sunday ( i hate Sunday because after Sunday is Monday) and tomolo is Monday ( i hate Monday ) and my new sem start!
Going back Cyberjaya tonite. Lazy to pack. Yea i looking forward for new sem but the progress of waiting Monday to come is torturing. .
YOSHI!! COME ON!! FIGHT ON! OOH! ( Gokusen drama haha )
Going back Cyberjaya tonite. Lazy to pack. Yea i looking forward for new sem but the progress of waiting Monday to come is torturing. .
YOSHI!! COME ON!! FIGHT ON! OOH! ( Gokusen drama haha )
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Hunting Yian Kut Ku
Yian Kut-Ku 1st Blood!
SWEET!!! finally kill Yian Kut-Ku! Actually is more than 4 times now cause making Kut-Ku armor! HoHo. Thx to Jia Yong again for teaching me how and answer all my MHF2 idiot questions! HAHAA Noob Hunter i am! I killed it i capture it! So syok! 爽啊!!!! 俺 在暗爽!
Kut-ku die AGAIN! haha 倒下! ( wearing one of the kut-ku armor)
Capture! After watch other ppl capture i finally know how to capture monster now .. haha ! not dead but capture! Yian Kut-Ku Gotcha!
SWEET!!! finally kill Yian Kut-Ku! Actually is more than 4 times now cause making Kut-Ku armor! HoHo. Thx to Jia Yong again for teaching me how and answer all my MHF2 idiot questions! HAHAA Noob Hunter i am! I killed it i capture it! So syok! 爽啊!!!! 俺 在暗爽!
Capture! After watch other ppl capture i finally know how to capture monster now .. haha ! not dead but capture! Yian Kut-Ku Gotcha!
Yeaaa.... yest i played this game from 12am till 6am. Wow dont feel like turning this game off... i wan raise my hunter rank! i wan get yeng and wicked armor!! >.< type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="" height="361" width="448">
yeaaa Fuck!
WAN HUNT MORE!!!! roar!
yeaaa Fuck!
WAN HUNT MORE!!!! roar!
Monster Hunter Portable 2nd
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Result Out
Got my gred:
I shall ganbatte for Nex sem! 佳文 加油!
I happy with it. Shall treat myself with more gaming. HAHAHAA
My laptop gg-ing? nid to said maybe Saturday emit my laptop to hospital...SOB!
Got my gred:
GPA : | 3.5 | CGPA : | 3.5 | Academic Status : | Pass |
Hours : | 16 | Total Hours : | 16 | Total Points : | 55.93 |
Code | Course Title | Grade |
I shall ganbatte for Nex sem! 佳文 加油!
I happy with it. Shall treat myself with more gaming. HAHAHAA
My laptop gg-ing? nid to said maybe Saturday emit my laptop to hospital...SOB!
^^ sing k again
FCM outing
Yoo just back from one whole day outing. .! Yay went Sing k (Low Yat Plaza) at 12pm to 3pm then took puri puri at Sungai Wang and watched 30 Days Of Night at Timesquare. - - " So many places ooo but all near from each other. Ha Ha.
Sing K damn funny .. especially whn Umar sing the "eat it" Al ( customize from "Beat it" by Michael Jackson) HAHA! the lyric damn gao xiao lo! ^^ See the clip below :
My Kawaii Sexy Yvonne !! Her voice is just so stunning...! Seriously! If you listen to her live, professional singer standard man... Any Manager wan to sigh her up? Or i just pull her to some idol contest ...keke somehow! Here is some of the clips...she singing...but the sound quality is bad (using hp to record) and lot of sound pollution ( our cheering sounds LOL and shouting ). ^^
Our last song is Mungkin Nanti! HAHA ! but i skip it and end up we cant sing anymore..oh well~ Dan bila mungkin nanti~~ kita akan sing k lagi? aku nak main bola~
Then we went Sungaiwang eat some snack at Gasoline and take Puri Puri! Omg the puri puri consist of 8 persons ( Me, Yvonne, Umar, Khai Ming, Jinnie, Charuk, Hoy Keat, Tsing Yong ) haha lot rite? thats why end up each person only can get 2 diff shots... actually there are 4 diff shots.. And one of shots thx to Jinnie = = choose wrong...ter-choose the one tat me and Yvonne head Big big there = = ! HAHA Suppose to be the one that i showing middle finger..t(-_-t) Oh well..~ Will scan whn i back Cyber...cant wait to get others one too..^^
After Puri we went to Timesquare watch 30 days of night. This movie abit bore me but overall i shall giv it 5/10 haha! i expect more blood...maybe is because Malaysia Censorship Board Problem. kaka!
Went back home straight cause Alex rushing to clubbing... haha i even xchg my IC with his fren so that the gal can go in the club..XD lol we are youngster..yay! Too bad all my frens oso went clubbing they are having fun now! haha enjoy dudes...
p.s i look like some jap dude in the puri puri! A leng zai 1 (●・ω・)ノ i wan b a lengzai aaa~ XD okei i jk
Yoo just back from one whole day outing. .! Yay went Sing k (Low Yat Plaza) at 12pm to 3pm then took puri puri at Sungai Wang and watched 30 Days Of Night at Timesquare. - - " So many places ooo but all near from each other. Ha Ha.
Sing K damn funny .. especially whn Umar sing the "eat it" Al ( customize from "Beat it" by Michael Jackson) HAHA! the lyric damn gao xiao lo! ^^ See the clip below :
My Kawaii Sexy Yvonne !! Her voice is just so stunning...! Seriously! If you listen to her live, professional singer standard man... Any Manager wan to sigh her up? Or i just pull her to some idol contest ...keke somehow! Here is some of the clips...she singing...but the sound quality is bad (using hp to record) and lot of sound pollution ( our cheering sounds LOL and shouting ). ^^
Our last song is Mungkin Nanti! HAHA ! but i skip it and end up we cant sing anymore..oh well~ Dan bila mungkin nanti~~ kita akan sing k lagi? aku nak main bola~
Then we went Sungaiwang eat some snack at Gasoline and take Puri Puri! Omg the puri puri consist of 8 persons ( Me, Yvonne, Umar, Khai Ming, Jinnie, Charuk, Hoy Keat, Tsing Yong ) haha lot rite? thats why end up each person only can get 2 diff shots... actually there are 4 diff shots.. And one of shots thx to Jinnie = = choose wrong...ter-choose the one tat me and Yvonne head Big big there = = ! HAHA Suppose to be the one that i showing middle finger..t(-_-t) Oh well..~ Will scan whn i back Cyber...cant wait to get others one too..^^
After Puri we went to Timesquare watch 30 days of night. This movie abit bore me but overall i shall giv it 5/10 haha! i expect more blood...maybe is because Malaysia Censorship Board Problem. kaka!
Went back home straight cause Alex rushing to clubbing... haha i even xchg my IC with his fren so that the gal can go in the club..XD lol we are youngster..yay! Too bad all my frens oso went clubbing they are having fun now! haha enjoy dudes...
p.s i look like some jap dude in the puri puri! A leng zai 1 (●・ω・)ノ i wan b a lengzai aaa~ XD okei i jk
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