>> everytime i eat my grandma's d cuisine i will think of the past and feel so calm...and full wif hang fuk-ness =D sambil makan sambil smiling ( u know how it taste like?)
i think of the time when i was still a lil girl..i alwiz hang out at my grandma house , we call it the POPOHOUSE hehe of coz got gongong oso but we call it popo house haha maybe my grandma more influnce there =P
well i remember whn i primary sch , i alwiz play , eat, study there after sch...thn at evevning whn mom or dad fin work will come fetch me bak home..or even night..~ depends hoho the naive me..~
well since secondary sch, i bcum a key-child...u know wat is a key child? yup a child tat bring home key to sch~ coz nobody will be at home whn u go back home so you hav to open the door urself...the empty house .. haih
since secondary sch seldom go popo house d...so now if got chance go i sure will go...unless i toooo busy or toooo tired =P i just feel comfortable there..eventhough lot of things change , bcum more hightech haha
today just went popo house eat popo cook d delicacy~ yummy still so yummy~! my mom cant even cook the taste like tat..just my grandma know how...is so yummy! hehe hakka's style! my mom cook d food more soft..my grandms's is KABOOM! heh
i miss it! even the food today not much~ just the bak zam kai, gai tong,lou ju keo..` but still YUMMY
bak zam gai with the special sauce!! <<>
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