today~ had a wonderful shopping spree wif kire ! but my stuff at her there cos i was avoiding my mom in case she found out all the plastic bag i bring bak home is actually cost RM200 over = =
so i will blog abt this later
lets talk about juz now disastrous party ~
everything was fine till i found out that the ps2 those bloody kids playing was MINE! and wtf the adaptor like broken = = BROKEN
i was so pissed and i hate kids .. i don hate hate kids i hate some kids those act like know it all bloody no brain no innocent type d kids...and they all playin my ps2! the food all over it!
i blame my aunty to bring it here
i ACTUALLY emo abt it .... so lame = = i act like a child infront of the adults... but i can't hide my feelings...i just show it in my face...tats is wat i felt
thn i complain and black face...not that i don like sharing , i share certain stuff generously but not something else...depends to who~ OK I AM LAME
thn i finally get bak my ps2...somehow i felt like the adults were makin fun of me...
"finally u can find an excuse to get back ur ps2...spoiled (hahaha)..."
"..............." i
thn i walked out to the gate my aunty followed and said sorry at me....i juz look back at her wif a fierce face ( was jokin la)
my mom told her i was jokin...
thn we went in the car and ride back home...on the way said someting really hit me
"u should just shut up juz now , you know ur uncle very jaga face 1 later he sure scold ur aunty liao coz take my stuff and i not shuang.."
"i..... = ="
is aunty sure will angry d if her husband scold her coz she alwiz complain 1....thn now i make things suppose to b a gud party but i think i spoiled it~ really
and make another family life misery << tat serious meh? = =
anyway i feel awful n lame....why i act like so amature, talk without brain and so emotional
i would like to blame my period...bloody hvnt come shit
i don like family crisis..coz i had enough..i hate it
i hope she 4giv my insolent act and stupidity...she one of my fav aunty sorry...her hp oso kena curi kenot sms her...haaaihhh
wat i did....i wrong? i not wrong...
i not~!!!!
yes i wrong...ok fine
just wish everything is ok~~
happy birthday to my cousin - yik hoe
Monday, April 30, 2007
Saturday, April 28, 2007
the truth the truth is - it hurt.
tatz why people lie...a beautiful little lie..just to make the world feel abit better
who never lied before? i lie to my parents, my frens, my enemies, my teachers...
we all live in lie~ cause the truth is - it HURT
i'm a skeptical person. i dont believe people easily...espeacially skl people! i allergic to bullshit okay? stop bull shitting in front of everyone that how great you are.. seriously like tat would make u feel better? NO ! i will not make u feel better.i'll shoot u back.
and fools in love..all are fools..really like the tarot card - THE FOOLs
why we women or gal attracted to chromosome Y so much till we mess up ourself...idiot..
we sad for thm , crave for thm, complain thm, want thm..
and men or boy? why u like gal so much? we are annoying, spoiled brats that crave for makeup, clothes, shoes, foods and chocolate...or flowers.. oh well
tat wat make the world population grow rite?
how funny. . . HA HA HA ( yes i being sarcastic here)
to hell wif the damn words L O V E << screw it
superficial superficial...
everything judge by the surface...your bad, you are out. you suck up, you are doom. you ulgy, you can go die now. you no money, you are suck. you cry, you not cool.
go hell wif it
stereotype stereotype...
* okei~ i'm frustrated here ~~~ so i just simply type out some philosophy by me. conclusion : i wish i'm fat and happy.*
= = darn tml work
tatz why people lie...a beautiful little lie..just to make the world feel abit better
who never lied before? i lie to my parents, my frens, my enemies, my teachers...
we all live in lie~ cause the truth is - it HURT
i'm a skeptical person. i dont believe people easily...espeacially skl people! i allergic to bullshit okay? stop bull shitting in front of everyone that how great you are.. seriously like tat would make u feel better? NO ! i will not make u feel better.i'll shoot u back.
and fools in love..all are fools..really like the tarot card - THE FOOLs
why we women or gal attracted to chromosome Y so much till we mess up ourself...idiot..
we sad for thm , crave for thm, complain thm, want thm..
and men or boy? why u like gal so much? we are annoying, spoiled brats that crave for makeup, clothes, shoes, foods and chocolate...or flowers.. oh well
tat wat make the world population grow rite?
how funny. . . HA HA HA ( yes i being sarcastic here)
to hell wif the damn words L O V E << screw it
superficial superficial...
everything judge by the surface...your bad, you are out. you suck up, you are doom. you ulgy, you can go die now. you no money, you are suck. you cry, you not cool.
go hell wif it
stereotype stereotype...
* okei~ i'm frustrated here ~~~ so i just simply type out some philosophy by me. conclusion : i wish i'm fat and happy.*
= = darn tml work
Sunday, April 22, 2007
i miss my ps2...
i miss gaming life
i miss GAMES!!!!!!!!
= ="
i used to be a hardcore gamer....24/7 gaming!!! my ps2..... T_T
miss u guys so much....wuuuu T_T
i miss gaming life
i miss GAMES!!!!!!!!
= ="
i used to be a hardcore gamer....24/7 gaming!!! my ps2..... T_T
miss u guys so much....wuuuu T_T
stupid movie
ying n her bf mayb break up jor~ so yesterday yesterday which is friday nite, went to movie wif her and cbwk, sowhat and banana(?) at timesquare. . . ~
since cbwk cant watch ghost we decided to watch number 23! sound interesting when ying told us abt the movie BUT bad luck only the 1st row left! so so so we had no choice and watched TORNADO!
err this is wat we did while waiting for our movie...( THE MOVIE) ~ : :
so yellow = = my face bloody big
old school~ yo yo sowhat and me..bhind sowhat tat 1 is cbwk
imagining i'm a photographer..... = 3=
lucky star! cacated version
wahliao....this movie...really YAT LAO!!! i recommend u all go watch! but after u all watch don come back throw tomatoes at me =P basically this movie i dono why it exist anyway` so~
i will rate is 1.4 out of 5
seriously ... . . . = =
and another thing~ if u wondering wat is cbwk? haha ask me personally =D
p.s i should stop eating = =
ying n her bf mayb break up jor~ so yesterday yesterday which is friday nite, went to movie wif her and cbwk, sowhat and banana(?) at timesquare. . . ~
since cbwk cant watch ghost we decided to watch number 23! sound interesting when ying told us abt the movie BUT bad luck only the 1st row left! so so so we had no choice and watched TORNADO!
err this is wat we did while waiting for our movie...( THE MOVIE) ~ : :

wahliao....this movie...really YAT LAO!!! i recommend u all go watch! but after u all watch don come back throw tomatoes at me =P basically this movie i dono why it exist anyway` so~
i will rate is 1.4 out of 5
seriously ... . . . = =
and another thing~ if u wondering wat is cbwk? haha ask me personally =D
p.s i should stop eating = =
Thursday, April 19, 2007
found a site
before made up my mind~ here i introduce a site!
this website d game very interesting...use flash~ and is so real! 3d! load quite long but is worth it...
now i waiting the web to be load so so blog ha sin~~~ << if 有兴趣!
this website d game very interesting...use flash~ and is so real! 3d! load quite long but is worth it...
now i waiting the web to be load so so blog ha sin~~~ << if 有兴趣!
which which
dono wan use msn space live or blogspot neh...both got own pros n cons
so so ~~ might use back msn but msn 1 keep got error zzzz
dono wan use msn space live or blogspot neh...both got own pros n cons
so so ~~ might use back msn but msn 1 keep got error zzzz
Friday, April 13, 2007
new life!
today my doggie giv birth finally!
was so excited on my way back home...
got 7 puppies but 1 died whn it hvnt even got the chance to breathe the air ....
so sad
mom n dad burried it
i decided to name the 7th puppy Tenshi ( 天使)may Tenshi rest in peace...
sweet dream and go fly high to dog dog heaven oo =)
was so excited on my way back home...
got 7 puppies but 1 died whn it hvnt even got the chance to breathe the air ....
so sad
mom n dad burried it
i decided to name the 7th puppy Tenshi ( 天使)may Tenshi rest in peace...
sweet dream and go fly high to dog dog heaven oo =)
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
woohoo~ goin to redang FINALLY!!
why i said finally? well cause long time ago, let's say 3 years ago? got 3 gals said wanted to go to redang island and play~~~~ = 3= chuuuuuu~~~~~~~~` thn after 3 years nothing happen...
and....(ten ten ten ten)
FINALLY 07! We are goin REDANG! woootzzz...~ with boys oso lo...~
cant wait~ but on 5th May ...and i still got class T_T i will kena barred if i miss the 2 class again...but i dont care fres! REDANG here i come!!!
i wan to b like this
why i said finally? well cause long time ago, let's say 3 years ago? got 3 gals said wanted to go to redang island and play~~~~ = 3= chuuuuuu~~~~~~~~` thn after 3 years nothing happen...
and....(ten ten ten ten)
FINALLY 07! We are goin REDANG! woootzzz...~ with boys oso lo...~
cant wait~ but on 5th May ...and i still got class T_T i will kena barred if i miss the 2 class again...but i dont care fres! REDANG here i come!!!
i wan to b like this

wohooo~ wondering wat the image above is? well well is my motion assignment.... i did it suckly...but i paint it using acrylic paint lo...i dono use the paint. THen lecturer oso no teach me color..if u know me u sure know my coloring damn sux 1.. = =
so end up like this ! haha XD ald ugly liao thn i hand gatal go and draw tat black extra thingy.... = =
cough cough
sam tong~~~~!!!!!!
enjoy :
this is the mess i did to my room's floor..cant rub it off ler...mop oso cant...cham
Sunday, April 8, 2007
i don't know wat is like to be loved or love somebody
i think i getting use to be alone now..
i control myself well...i don rush in this game
i think properly..
end up
i don't know wat is feel like to be loved or love somebody anymore
those feelings are just a phrase..when the phase morph thn it will be gone too
happy single life~?
i'm a lamer...i don't know how to care for a person...i so cha sui la`
my cousin stomachpain there thn i just keep sleep...i don even wan to wake up and ask why...selfish me
too self-centered? am i?
i think i am...i never concern of others
ha insolent me...
* oh shit, damn sleepy now..later hav to work again! so tiring... i don wan see icecream anymore -= 3=
i control myself well...i don rush in this game
i think properly..
end up
i don't know wat is feel like to be loved or love somebody anymore
those feelings are just a phrase..when the phase morph thn it will be gone too
happy single life~?
i'm a lamer...i don't know how to care for a person...i so cha sui la`
my cousin stomachpain there thn i just keep sleep...i don even wan to wake up and ask why...selfish me
too self-centered? am i?
i think i am...i never concern of others
ha insolent me...
* oh shit, damn sleepy now..later hav to work again! so tiring... i don wan see icecream anymore -= 3=
tired...legs tired.....
kids are evil~~ keep steal my icecream~~
all ppl like free stuff ya!~
kids are evil~~ keep steal my icecream~~
all ppl like free stuff ya!~
Saturday, April 7, 2007
lousy mood
wow...mood now not so gud..
sigh thinkin lot of things..
tml start my parttime job ald...remember come pong chan me oo~ XD
i'll giv u free icecream haha =P
sometimes human are so...funny..
human is funny
i'm off
sigh thinkin lot of things..
tml start my parttime job ald...remember come pong chan me oo~ XD
i'll giv u free icecream haha =P
sometimes human are so...funny..
human is funny
i'm off
the above pic i took it whn i on a bus to kl~ yup was alone tat time..thn suddenly i saw this billboard!! is about indian's wedding take photograph 1... or 婚纱店..mayb u'll say i so 无知 but really,i din know they oso got something like chinese wedding shop like tat~ hehe quite fresh to i took it down XD i like diff culture stuff~ everything is new!
well this pic is about a lion n panda..take pic together
even two species can be together haha XD
the taste from the past
the taste from the does it taste like?
>> everytime i eat my grandma's d cuisine i will think of the past and feel so calm...and full wif hang fuk-ness =D sambil makan sambil smiling ( u know how it taste like?)
i think of the time when i was still a lil girl..i alwiz hang out at my grandma house , we call it the POPOHOUSE hehe of coz got gongong oso but we call it popo house haha maybe my grandma more influnce there =P
well i remember whn i primary sch , i alwiz play , eat, study there after sch...thn at evevning whn mom or dad fin work will come fetch me bak home..or even night..~ depends hoho the naive me..~
well since secondary sch, i bcum a key-child...u know wat is a key child? yup a child tat bring home key to sch~ coz nobody will be at home whn u go back home so you hav to open the door urself...the empty house .. haih
since secondary sch seldom go popo house now if got chance go i sure will go...unless i toooo busy or toooo tired =P i just feel comfortable there..eventhough lot of things change , bcum more hightech haha
today just went popo house eat popo cook d delicacy~ yummy still so yummy~! my mom cant even cook the taste like tat..just my grandma know so yummy! hehe hakka's style! my mom cook d food more grandms's is KABOOM! heh
i miss it! even the food today not much~ just the bak zam kai, gai tong,lou ju keo..` but still YUMMY

bak zam gai with the special sauce!! <<>
>> everytime i eat my grandma's d cuisine i will think of the past and feel so calm...and full wif hang fuk-ness =D sambil makan sambil smiling ( u know how it taste like?)
i think of the time when i was still a lil girl..i alwiz hang out at my grandma house , we call it the POPOHOUSE hehe of coz got gongong oso but we call it popo house haha maybe my grandma more influnce there =P
well i remember whn i primary sch , i alwiz play , eat, study there after sch...thn at evevning whn mom or dad fin work will come fetch me bak home..or even night..~ depends hoho the naive me..~
well since secondary sch, i bcum a key-child...u know wat is a key child? yup a child tat bring home key to sch~ coz nobody will be at home whn u go back home so you hav to open the door urself...the empty house .. haih
since secondary sch seldom go popo house now if got chance go i sure will go...unless i toooo busy or toooo tired =P i just feel comfortable there..eventhough lot of things change , bcum more hightech haha
today just went popo house eat popo cook d delicacy~ yummy still so yummy~! my mom cant even cook the taste like tat..just my grandma know so yummy! hehe hakka's style! my mom cook d food more grandms's is KABOOM! heh
i miss it! even the food today not much~ just the bak zam kai, gai tong,lou ju keo..` but still YUMMY
bak zam gai with the special sauce!! <<>
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
= = "

don't kena scare by it...if u tell me this pic hak dou you thn you really nid go reborn urself to a better person.....LOL my fren send me this pics yesterday.....
" hey receive receive" nana said
"OMFG u still keep this pic = =" i said
" yup is in my hp " nana said
this 1 will be a 经典照片 of mine~ if anyone wan keep it or use as wallpaper....ask me fres ya~ =P
p.s if you wondering where the hell this pic ever exist? is because my bloody orientation performance in mmu~~ i act as ju-on....tat day lot ppl take pics wif me....well...i was famous( for 1 night) HAHA
head pain~
i'm back from imbi there~
went to the training and GOT lot of stuff to bring bak...3 boxes of cups...spoons..apron..caps...shirt...tray = = omg! this job sound tough! i dono where is car4 kepong d staff entrance tim....thn they say kepong should sell very well....must promote and push the sales = =
noooo! = 3=
then later went to timesquare wif ah meh~ he wan find bag~ but cant find any nice i decided to eat fres ( i hungry )
but GUESS wat????
kena con!!!! damn Mr.Ramen ..don go there eat! food sux dou sei....= =" pay oso boh shuang!
after that more geng! my stomachpain...LAI YEH!!! finally period come...stupid 1 ppl wan rush assingmnet time thn brain !
pain@tired@assingment,somehow,happy = = mayb feel 充实 gua....hope work smooth smooth ahead
i'm back from imbi there~
went to the training and GOT lot of stuff to bring bak...3 boxes of cups...spoons..apron..caps...shirt...tray = = omg! this job sound tough! i dono where is car4 kepong d staff entrance tim....thn they say kepong should sell very well....must promote and push the sales = =
noooo! = 3=
then later went to timesquare wif ah meh~ he wan find bag~ but cant find any nice i decided to eat fres ( i hungry )
but GUESS wat????
kena con!!!! damn Mr.Ramen ..don go there eat! food sux dou sei....= =" pay oso boh shuang!
after that more geng! my stomachpain...LAI YEH!!! finally period come...stupid 1 ppl wan rush assingmnet time thn brain !
pain@tired@assingment,somehow,happy = = mayb feel 充实 gua....hope work smooth smooth ahead
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
yoozz !
today in my last class of the day...unexpected thing happened!! was having mediaculture dicussion session class then out of nowhere
" POKEMON, get do go zhe!! ten eneneteeneda~~~~ (hp msg alert )"
holy shit! the sound is so freakin loud!! haha my fren Myra keep laughing beside me... = =
ng hou yi shi~
thn checked , only know is Biao send msg come = 3=
king zan dit bei lei hoi sei!
As for tomolo, i shall go to sungai wang alone~ since nobody free....and some ppl ffg~ pif
is okay to go alone but scary = = dono why haha mayb i go out alwiz teman wif frenz...
time to chg! hoho goin gold river to the pa company, got training regarding the sampling of nestle part time.
i should sleep early lu!
ooh now my fren call for help....go help her sin~ ciaoz
today in my last class of the day...unexpected thing happened!! was having mediaculture dicussion session class then out of nowhere
" POKEMON, get do go zhe!! ten eneneteeneda~~~~ (hp msg alert )"
holy shit! the sound is so freakin loud!! haha my fren Myra keep laughing beside me... = =
ng hou yi shi~
thn checked , only know is Biao send msg come = 3=
king zan dit bei lei hoi sei!
As for tomolo, i shall go to sungai wang alone~ since nobody free....and some ppl ffg~ pif
is okay to go alone but scary = = dono why haha mayb i go out alwiz teman wif frenz...
time to chg! hoho goin gold river to the pa company, got training regarding the sampling of nestle part time.
i should sleep early lu!
ooh now my fren call for help....go help her sin~ ciaoz
Got a Job
i got a job from the Pa company. will work as a promoter soon...again = = this time need do sampling.! quite new for me and wednesday i need go to their office again for training! ( mayb they gonna teach me how to make milo! lol)
hope everything smooth ahead~
i got a job from the Pa company. will work as a promoter soon...again = = this time need do sampling.! quite new for me and wednesday i need go to their office again for training! ( mayb they gonna teach me how to make milo! lol)
hope everything smooth ahead~
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