Friday night!
Xmas is coming to town. I got my xmas tree in my house! My sis decorated it and we decided to camwhore with it. I dono why, people just love to take pic beside the xmas tree. Some photos to spice up the xmas spirit!!!! :

Behold~ the notorious xmas tree!

yeaaa~ me like xmas!

"decorating" the tree.

Cousin Xuemin and my sis. Both are
disgusting :D in a good way.
Asked mom to help us take some photos..but end up all blurred :

"you sure all the photos are sharp?"
"Ya is clear."
Apparently not.

Mom should get a new spec or anything... she seriously got problem with her eyes!!!! NOOOOO!! now back to normal photographer :

What are you trying to do?

No. Santa won't giv you anything
even u made ur ears in to socks
When the clock reached 12am~ we got bored ( and tipsy maybe) . So Xuemin and me planned a plot. BLEND/MIX each other attires for photoshooting. Theme : As weird as you can get. Poor cousin How Yee had to play with us too even though his left foot not in a good condition.

Formal blouse + cropped coat + polkadots skirt
+ weird hairstyle + kitty ears

Red Indian style + a cute skirt...
he not supposed to wear jeans!!

We know you loved us.

A oversized tshirt + mini fitted tee
+ ugly yellow skirt + belt as necklace

U called this couture?



Stripes long sleeves shirt + idk orangeyelloish tank top
+ gold color belt +white skirt + winter cap..

Pose with the tree.. YEAAHHH~

kao meng.

We are so beautiful! in an eccentric way - -

Digged nose, digged teeth, digged ear~



Poor & innocent

I knew he loved THIS!


Never wear skirt for a long time.
Din know i will wear it coz of thisssss

She kept fell down on the cushion...

:D lovely
Where is the xmas tree!!? don't worry~ xmas tree is still here and fine :

GRind with the tree... ngek ngek = =
Nex time we shall cosplay as xmas tree or something better... :

p.s nope i wont wear this in public.