The 2nd Cross Intercontinental Monster Hunter Gathering Organized by 2-huntPhoto time! All i can say is the event is awesome. =) The crowd is cool and all so passionate about the game. The only sad thing is i got no time and the guts to know all of the friends that attend this gathering. = 3= but still i met and know lots of frens! wheeee~ memories are meant to be told! hehe

Me & Angie~ She fetch to to Genting! Nice and Violence gal. hehe

Zu and Angie~

I won~ ( not really )

Likaai, Bear and Me. =) Mana Allen?

I am king hahaaaaa

I wan these~~

Xlink Kai buddies~Likaai, Allen, Bear & Zu

All people are compulsory to join 双人轰龙 Dual Tigrex mission!
He is my random teammate! haha



5min33sec. =) Result! get 4th or 5th place >.<

Everybody is concentrating haha

Some pro finish earlier and makan!
Random Shot! :


Held at Starbucks...XD

The organiser! Ryusher the whacky

aha! Allen~~~AV star~
Group photos: