Friday, May 30, 2008
=) after much abnormal lifestyle ....
finally regain 43.8kg! i mean reduce.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
my 1st mhp2ndg video.
After 1 hour of thinking and trying finally i know how to record psp gameplay! yay! This is what i did ! 1st video with a nice song :
Hehe. Not really gud in longsword gonna shoot a video with me using Great Sword. =) ngek
Monster hunter Video!
Now i am trying to figure out the hell to record my gameplay experience to video! I read the forum. . is in mandarin and my mandarin understanding always abit off so i had hard time making it work. - -" Why isit so hard?? Okei maybe is not hard at all.
OHYEA congrats to myself finally i am hunter rank 9. :) First of all thx to all the "GODs" that help me in the mission. Now my another target is to get black fatalis aka 黑龙's armor. Is damn yeng ! ( i think so )
I shall continue blur like sotong (cheese found this amazing phrase) and make the video record thing work. - - amitabha~
Malay for “squid”. Used to describe someone as rather inept or in a world of his own. Presumably, it comes from the squid’s emission of a cloud of ink, hence the popular phrase, “blur like sotong.” May be used as both noun and adjective.
1. “Aiyah, why you ask him to go and do things? He’s damn sotong one!”
2. “Why are you such a sotong?”
hence, blur like sotong.
teeheee. Interested to know more singlish or manglish or campur language? Please do visit this website TalkingCock-Coxford Singlish Dictionary.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
another lapsap night =)
once again! IS TONIGHT!! This time going with kepong friends. . . introduce them to electronica, nurave, edbanger music~
hope they like it.
update soon.
OKEI BACK! reach home around 240am.
Apparently my kepong friends don't really like it . ehehee but had another awesome night in the party. OH yea i finally know how to lock the toilet door ... . after like 4 visits there. :) don't ask.
This time they got waledance~ cute. Near end, got a lot of boygroup songs etc nsync, kc&jojo and er boyzone? lol thats abit too much dude. i wan electronica~~! And we did some boyband pose! - - pretty hilarious.
Photo with Eunice. She going back to penang after the party man at 3am. PArty liKE A ROCkStar! hehe Yvonne also going back Sabah the next day. Aww gonna miss you all. =) take care and happy holidays~
i am sleepy but i don't feel like sleeping yet. Aargh damn have to wash dishes.
bak . . ! and is 1:37am.
damn time pass slowly around here. i wish i can convince myself to go to sleep now but i can't . I don't know what is bothering me . .
tee-hee. Okei is dumb i admit.
but i really wanted to play a nice mmorpg. I ald got monster hunter but but but i don't know.
stranded. T_T
god damn
i love you so much and i can't wait this holiday break to be over . most of all we can be together again in the class and i will kick ur ass =D
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
lazy holiday
How to enable comment?
Any comments you wan to tell me, etc : you are very pretty or anything.
Just tell me in my msn or anything XD hehehee
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Wireless Kl?
WiMAX is coming to town~ Now u can online anywhere in KL. hmm i wonder. If you register then you get 2 years of free wifi service. Sound nice rite.
I think i am gonna try and register since is free to try out the speed and stuff. =D
Whoever interested can go to this web wirelesskl.
"Whether you live in KL, work here or are simply visiting this vibrant city, you can now take advantage of a FREE* wireless broadband service with speeds of up to 512 kilobits per second (kbps) anytime, almost anywhere in KL.
The KL Wireless Metropolitan Project or Wireless@KL is a FREE wireless broadband internet access service that is brought to you by Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) and the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) in collaboration with Packet One Networks (M) Sdn Bhd in a pioneering effort to transform Kuala Lumpur into a world-class wireless city.
Users would be able to access speeds of up to 512kbps, taking advantage of some 1,500 Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi) access points implemented throughout KL's commercial areas, offices, tourist attractions, residential areas, community centres, DBKL offices and countless other public areas.
Once you register as a Wireless@KL user, you will also be able to access the Wireless@KL portal where you'll find useful information on where to go around KL city, the latest news on KL happenings and much more." quote from
Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Aren't that two old bastard look lovely? Hehe. I just love this photo. 感触良多. XD All i can say is they are hardcore, seriously hardcore gamer. They are still using Ps1, their grandsons should buy them a wii or a Ps3! They even look so serious , isn't that cute? XD
Okei the point is I WAN TO BE LIKE THIS TOO! ahahahaaa when i am old, successful and rich ~ and i sick of looking at another grandchild pop out , i can hide in my luxurious console gaming room there~ spend my time =D with some friends.
Silly silly. ahahaaa okei la the real point is this photo is funny & cute.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Gaming is fun. You all should go and try. =)
Roll your face is fun. Can make your face smaller =)
Drink barley is fun. You all should go and taste some =)
Okei obviously holidays is damn relaxing, can't you feel it fr the 3 sentences above!! HELLO HEAVEN CIAO CIAO HELL.
Forgive my 'highness' haha cause i just abit over excited . . abit thou.
Anyway, yesterday went to Sungai Wang with my dear kire-chan aka yingying. She got her new car! Myvi black and her plate number is......secret. If you know her hp number then you will know. LOL
We drove to kl ( okei not her - -) at around 4pm and KL still the same old damned jammed jammed place. That is only few things you can do in the car when you stuck in a trafficjam.
Make your life happier with a psp =) (not advertising) :
IN SUNGAIWANG. too busy hunting good stuffs no time with camera. Dono how this shoot appear:
I am just trying to annoy her =X :
Anyway met some of yingying frens lo...all oso very talkative and nice. AND THE MAIN POINT IS
TADA~~~ HAPPY =) bought some tshirts....and my dad gave me RM50! MIRACLE!!!!
I bought a boy tshirt . . i shall think of a way to blend it with gal style. Maybe i will need a scissor to assist me. ^^ i think that boy tshirt will be a trend for a gal. =X or is already a trend? Long time never wear big and loose tshirt. i wan to be cool like a cool boy. muahaha
Wanted to buy a skirt to go with my tee but oh well * money is everything*
Saturday, May 17, 2008
wuuwaaa monster hunter!
Whee ! When i whee i am happy. Yeah so WHEEEE! Just left one more paper thn i am free from beta! Well almost.... have to wait for result and see if i fail any subjects anot . =) OKAY is too early to talk abt result. Anyway WHEEEEEeeEee! I am in good mood.
Currently listening to Imogen Heap - Oh me, Oh my. Such a nice song , credit to Cheese, my lovely dm coursemate. And YOU THIS BASTARD ! he started his holiday already because he next week don't have exam. Hate ya baby~
Oh whats all this have to do with the title - RAWR ? CAUSE I FINALLY CAN CONCENTRATE ON MY MHP2ndG =)
Neglect this game too long and is making me feel bad. =( my character still stuck with mhp2nd armors and abt the village mission i almost finishing! god. Few days back i just clear the village shengaoren mission 紧急事态发生! that crab . . .
Now i just have to unlock the 最后的招待状 the last mission . then i can
Wait my good news =) can't wait.
OH YEA there will be a awesome monster hunter gathering in Genting this coming June. Hope can make lots of friends there hahahahaaaaa . . . - - but i doubt that cause i am dark and twisty =P
Looking forward for good things to happen!
* my hsemates pinsamKhaiMing and cheesyJianwei kena monster hunter drug =) they been playing days and nights hardly see them sleep at night =D

Friday, May 16, 2008
okei was bored and hot!!! HOT !! did i mentioned hot? YEA HOT BABY!
Took one of the grey's anatomy quiz =D i love this series. Anyway this is my result:
BUT i do empathize with most people. Value logic and practical...welll maybe. Everything happen for a reason right?
"8% of quiz takers resulted in:
ahahahaaaaa lucky this world don't have much of Christina Yang ( nuclear war might happen).
curse of cyclone
Dude this is not sci-fiction.
This happened few days back when i am having MPM exam. When i woke up, wtf my right eyes swollen and pain. "CYCLOP attacked me yesterday and made me one of them" No choice had to go exam with the eye.
After 2 days it seems getting worst, so i went to MMU clinic. I am worried. I hate getting something that i don't have a clue what is that. "I NID YOUR WISDOM, WITCH DOCTOR!" cure me bastard!
The doc said is some sort of infection. He prescribed me with some "potions" okei medicines, eye drop and ointment. - -
Now the 2nd day, is still not yet heal. argh. Just now exam i was shivering and eye itai desu. William said the sight effect of those eyes pills or medicine are feverish and flu.
And yea i had that both now = = and the weather is extreme hot.
*evil laugh*
p.s actually wanted to write like a short story for this entry but i got lazy =D
Thursday, May 15, 2008
The lil lion fr London
My friend Yap send me one video link and really touches my heart.
Must Watch This Video : Christian the Lion
Isn't animal something incredible, Christin true affectionate friendship and loyalty towards them. The moment when the lion "hug" them, they all cried. After separated for one year the lion still remember them. Is amazing. Science can't proof it.

Definitely have to go and read the full story ! Go go go :
Official Sites of Christian the Lion
Articles about Christian
and it is because of subtle human conditioning
-- not the actual facts --
that we are raised to believe there is a wide gap between
what is human and what is animal."
Monday, May 12, 2008
Dude, Laptop you disappointed me deeply. Still unable to transfer my videos to my pc. - - "
Pangea Day will be update soon. I really want to write about it cause is a very wonderful and beautiful event. And i glad i am part of it for few hours, all the stories that i told from around the world are so powerful and inspiring. U KNOW WHAT? i think i will just blog about it now. Lets give this post a title : PANGEA DAY!
Want to know more about the Pangea Day(1oth May ) ? check this out PangeaDay . I remember the organizer of this event said that once the continents in the earth are all connected to each other, known as Pangea ( in Ancient Greek mean Earth!).

This wish is not just wish in the beauty pageant okay! Everything is just extraordinary that night. The peoples who made this happen, salute.
Let's all celebrate earth. We are one.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Pangea Day
Friday, May 9, 2008
Hello blogger!
Hello fellow earthlings! i am back from hell. =) God these 5 days pass so fast that i can't even really breathe so much. My legs are sore, my neck hurt and i complain too much ain't i? haha The point is
I almost vomit this afternoon cause i haven't eat anything since yesterday. ( don't worry i eat some rice ald) When me and my friends go to submit our last assignments, the feeling is pretty damn good. WE made it. I hope we all make it to GAMMA year ( Year 2 of our degree) . Everybody GOOD LUCK IN EXAM ! Yea the exam is the 3 days after of all our submission!!! crazy.
Definitely crazy dude. This sem, i finally admit is the most hectic out of the previous sem cause usually we have like one week of break after our submission but this sem we hardly got anything for anything. Okei is abit exaggerating, well bloody- many- heavy-assignments are the culprit.
The list goes like this:
Monday do Tuesday submission : Creative Study Journal and scrap book.
Tuesday do Wednesday submission : Digital Media Final Poject ( 7hrs )
Wednesday do Thursday submission : Internet Application Joomla Website ( headpain )
Thursday do Friday Submission : Digital Media Concept Board (fall asleep on the table )
I like my life..
My works :
Don't Chop Me by ~madmazelle on deviantART
Hows my app? =D It turns out not bad after all. okei i wont do last min work anymore. ( i doubt this promise. )
I will upload my Media Production Video once i got it from my groupmate . Just to share. =D
Oh lucky i check my examslip earlier yesterday and found out that i got barred from final exam. Normally i will get my exam slip on the day before exam. Imagine what will happen . . = = AND to unbar myself i got to pay the damn fees 1st. Sigh. Money is everything.
Sorry mom made you angry. YEA i am useless.
i need "fun"-damental now. =D
Sunday, May 4, 2008
动态度, 我的肠也跟着蠕动~~~ 因为肚子一直痛~(被逼迟去! = =")
Reach there when almost 3pm ( the thing start at 1pm ). And i have to walk to that place haha quite nice to walk around in a busy city and the weather is fine cause just after rain. Meet up with Shuqi and another 2 gals.... forgot to ask their names = =" but i know one is from MMU another one is from The One. =D McD, wherever i go i can see you!
In McD, i try challenge the bigmac chanting thing~~ and i finish all the ingredient in 2.8 sec! =D GIVE ME BIG MAC !! The Mcd beside central market is pretty bad. Damn SLow!
Two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, onion, pickle, cheese and sesame seed buns! muahaha
I remembered!
Then we went in :
The band was performing is Nau or Nao. I remember Adam recommend this band but when i got in they say THANK YOU! haha late. The next performance is ManHand. Quite interesting. There are 6 members include 1 gal. They are msia cantonese rnb hiphop or rap band. Not bad.
Then Dian Bang aka 电棒. Can't really hear what the vocal singing and all i heard is balibabababiliababa~~ but the electronica music not bad. After that got heavy metallica grind rock band...fuhyo... CHEESE YOU WILL LIKE IT! and there are some hardcore fans tossing their body around and 'fengtao' like mad man. =D awesome. haha
Got many bands more but we decided to shop around ~ :
Shuqi bought 8 films from the guy =D
Took ktm back to kepong. Its been awhile . .WATS UP KTM! lucky is not that crowded if not i will swear again not to use KTM. =D oh yea i bought neko ear ! hahaaaa can't resist it. Pure evil.
P.s The pictures above is taken by my PSP, toy camera effect ! Feel lomo-ish? haha except the last 1 meow!
Saturday, May 3, 2008
还没还没~~ yeah the weather is fucking hot lately. I thought chinese new year is over a decade ago?? HELLO MR.SUN ~~~ don't you need some rest? STOP making me drop dead HOT.
Something strike me (other than the sun issue) . I have friends but somehow i still feel alone here.
I just can't take it anymore. Or should i just accept the fact that we are different . Maybe all these things that i have hope on just not meant to be. I tried to save our memories together , i tried
but all i get is ignorance from you.
I know that sometimes you have to give in and don't expect any good feedback. But i really wanted some to actually feel i needed and wanted by you. Silly.
I give up . =)
too much hurts.
or just all this while i hoping for nothing . i alone, the one that in this story of us that play the role of us.
this sound gay but i really wanted a 麻吉 a partner a 知己 a real tomodachi that will always be there for me no matter what.
My sunflower. Looking bright, lovely and will always shine together for me.
Till i meet my 向日癸. . 我会加油! 改变自己....一定要变的超一级棒!!!! 然后我们再一起shine!
暗い霧 視界だけはあの重低音流されず
Feel Get 壁の裏
永久にキレず簡単に生きる それも美学
It’s sad to say good-by to you
進むべき道選び スケールはBIG
流れのままに 流れのままに
迷わないで良い 恐れないで良い
自分らしく 立ち止まらないで
is meaningful to me. will it meant something to you too ? =)
Decided to REALLY go dtd event at central market. I just want to get away from this house.
HOT OVEN. Shall bring my D40 along,let it breathe some fresh air yup ^^ Hope this event worth the money...if not screw it.
don't have the 心情 to do . . . . . .
Nex week final week! submission!!!!! GG
Friday, May 2, 2008
i cut my hair
The night before i work. .i find out that my fringe is too long and pretty annoying so i decided to cut it off!
Coincidence William was quite free at that moment. SO hey why not let him help me cut my hair. WARNING he don't have any experience in cutting ppl's hair. This is the result :
This is my new hairdo ( thx wiliam) :

Short Short~