fukin sien...my last day of holiday!!!! suppose to go sing k and movies...but but due to some unexpected thingy~ it had been canceled! T_T DAMEEE DESU! so anyway i slept at err 8am or 9am thn woke up at 4pm thn figure out nothing to do thn i slp back! thn woke at 5 something!! LOL
Guess wha the first thing i did? NO not getting out from bed. NO not brush teeth.NONO not slp back! tada~~ the answer is open pc! HAHAHAAA i am officially internet addicted~ interaddict
= = "

ANYWAY lucky jian yi msg me ... haha we both almost die in the hand of boredoom ! so decided to go watch movie!
lazy to blog out all so i skip to the part whn we reach 1u. well SO Freakin many ppl~! so cb many! GENG! no nid slp 1?? so we bought fantastic 4 tickets....( we skip ghost tunnel,to sir with love ) well the movie is not bad . tatz all i can say.
End of the movie....jian yi found out tat the car ticket GONE! AHAHaha great!
WAT HAPPENED NEXT?? ask me in msn if u interested to know coz i lazy to write out now...
OOMG WAIT! forgot to write out a very important thing! wan to remember it! WELL i heard UVERworld songs played in 1u !! YAY! xD so nice! the two songs are Just Melody and CHance!
at the skating there! is so nice! love UVERworld desu! suki! <3